Course Criteria
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3.00 Credits
This highly participative course is designed to broaden perspectives on the business environment in which actuaries work. In addition to analyzing the issues behind daily events, several continuing issues will be analyzed including insurance pricing cycles, regulatory developments, the role of the actuary as an educator, advisor, objective information source and problem solver, insurance company financial rating and solvency issues, accounting fraud and questionable financial transactions, insurance and the financial markets managing insurance operations, professional ethics, and the impact of current developments in underwriting, and reinsurance on the actuarial function.Note: This is the writing-intensive course for Actuarial Science majors. Mode: In addition to homework and exams, there will be significant writing assignments and a major group presentation project.
MATH 1041 (C085)/1941 (H095), 1042 (0086)/1942 (H096), 2043 (0127), ACT SCI 1501/1901 (0001/0091) with a minimum grade of C and Risk Management & Insurance 2101 (0001)/2901 (0091) with a minimum grade of C, ACCT 2101 (0001)/2901 (0091), ACCT 2102 (0002)/2902 (0092) and Junior status
1.00 - 3.00 Credits
The first of a two-part sequence of courses in which independent research is conducted under the supervision of a thesis advisor from the Actuarial Science department resulting in a substantial piece of original research, roughly 30 to 50 pages in length upon completion of Actuarial Science 4999. The student must publicly present his/her findings at a Temple University Research Forum session or the equivalent during one of the two semesters during which these courses are undertaken.
Approval of instructor, Fox School Research Scholar Director, and Fox School Honors Director
1.00 - 3.00 Credits
Independent research conducted under the supervision of a thesis advisor from the Actuarial Science Department resulting in a substantial piece of original research, roughly 30 to 50 pages in length. Student must publicly present his/her findings at a Temple University Research Forum session or the equivalent if this was not done in Actuarial Science 3999.
Approval of instructor, Fox School Research Scholar Director, and Fox School Honors Director, as well as completion of ACT SCI 3999
3.00 Credits
Explore the current global scope and reach of advertising in our connected, digital age. Study major interdisciplinary themes related to the spread of consumerism, self and social identity, global consciousness, and cross-cultural effects as a result of the worldwide spread of advertising as part of the free market system. Particular attention is given to cross-cultural issues related to cultural imperialism, legal and societal constraints, ethical questions, universal values and green marketing. Course work includes comprehensive survey of print and broadcast advertising found in other countries.Note: This course fulfills the World Society (GG) requirement for students under GenEd and International Studies (IS) for students under Core. Students cannot receive credit for this course if they have successfully completed ADVERT 0953.
3.00 Credits
Explore the current global scope and reach of advertising in our connected, digital age. Study major interdisciplinary themes related to the spread of consumerism, self and social identity, global consciousness, and cross-cultural effects as a result of the worldwide spread of advertising as part of the free market system. Particular attention is given to cross-cultural issues related to cultural imperialism, legal and societal constraints, ethical questions, universal values and green marketing. Course work includes comprehensive survey of print and broadcast advertising found in other countries.Note: This course fulfills the World Society (GG) requirement for students under GenEd and International Studies (IS) for students under Core. Students cannot receive credit for this course if they have successfully completed ADVERT 0853.
1.00 - 3.00 Credits
Note: For advertising majors only. Arranged each semester. Please consult with the instructor and/or check the course schedule for specific topic.This course introduces digital design basics, covering the Adobe suite of design software, as well as hands-on applications of fundamental CAD procedures. The creative projects and exercises through one-on-one instruction are structured to develop a foundational skill set that teaches students how to use the computer to make ads.
3.00 Credits
Introduction to the marketing process, including defining customer needs and wants, market segmentation strategies, and how organizations develop a strong value proposition. We will also examine the relationship between marketers and advertising agencies.
1.00 - 3.00 Credits
The course of study is an introduction to digital design for projects related to advertising. Focus is on the basics of digital workflows and the Adobe Creative Suite: Illustrator, InDesign and Photoshop.
3.00 Credits
Arranged each semester. Please consult with the instructor and/or check the course schedule for specific topic.
3.00 Credits
The history, organization, creation, economics, control and effects of mass communications in the United States, including the relationships of media to one another and to the community at large with special emphasis on the roles and responsibilities of advertising, advertisers and agencies.
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