Course Criteria
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3.00 Credits
The purpose of this course is to define the discipline of political science. By discipline we mean the way in which political science has developed over the past 150 years. We will assess the basic sub-disciplines of political science: American, Comparative, International Relations, Political Theory, Public Administration and Public Law.
3.00 Credits
A study of American political institutions, interests, ideals, and the processes through which policies are formulated and implemented.
3.00 Credits
The purpose of the Leadership and Political Life class is to introduce students to the theory and practice of leadership in the public realm, which is applicable to the private sector.
3.00 Credits
This course will allow students to explore the foundations and forces that shape international politics and society. It examines the concept of power and sovereignty within the system including discussions of conflict, war, and terrorism. Global economics will be examined, including economic interdependence, globalization, trade, and development. International institutions will be examined including the United Nations to understand the role of international organization, international law, and the concepts of sustainable development.
3.00 Credits
An introductory survey course that seeks to cover political institutions in the nations of the contemporary world; to compare and contrast political institutions in the free world, in the communist world, in the nations of the developing world, and in the authoritarian systems.
3.00 Credits
An examination of the project of political theory. The goals of the class are to gain an understanding of (1) classic questions of western political thought, (2) varying ways in which thinkers have gone about pursuing these questions (method of inquiry), and (3) critiques of the standing of these "classic questions."
3.00 Credits
An introductory survey of law and courts emphasizing the structure of courts, different forms of law, and the various actors involved in legal conflicts.
3.00 Credits
Human rights (HR) are a powerful idea in the modern world, but also the focus of controversy. This course will provide students with a broad foundation in human rights including the ability to analyze HR in domestic and int'l law, examine prevention and prosecution techniques, and debate current issues at home and abroad. Emphasis will be placed on women and gender studies (including LGBT issues), vulnerable populations such as refugees, and atrocity crimes.
3.00 Credits
To understand the role of public administration in the United States, this course examines the administrators who manage and implement policy, the tools they use, and the environments in which they work. We will cover the economic, political, and social dynamics within public administration as well as management challenges related to human resources, finance, program development, evaluation, and strategic planning. Introduction to public administration would not be complete without discussions about the values and ethics unique to the public sector. We will be using textbooks, other assigned readings, case studies, simulations of ethical quandaries, and whenever possible hands-on learning experiences. The first half of the course will include historical milestones in the history of the administrative state, the logic of public service and the constitutional context of executive power, and management challenges for the public sector in the 21st century. The second half of the course will focus on the policy cycle, program implementation and evaluation, budgeting, leadership and ethics, and the future of public administration.
1.00 - 3.00 Credits
Consult the semester class schedule for the current offering under this number. The specific title and credit authorized will appear on the student transcript.
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