Course Criteria

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  • 3.00 Credits

    This course focuses on the basic tools needed for the collection, analysis, and interpretation of research, in particular findings and recommendations for individuals and population health and health policy. Epidemiological principles, models, and approaches/strategies related to health and illness in at-risk populations are examined. General principle of research design and hypothesis testing are reviewed and research and non-research studies examined for human health and disease treatment.
  • 2.00 Credits

    This course examines principles of nursing informatics and how they are integrated in health care systems. Advanced informatics skills of database design, knowledge management, clinical decision support, and project management to guide the DNP student in recommending, evaluating, and implementing patient care technologies. This course offers 15 course practicum hours 1:4 credit to clock hours. (0.25 credit= 15 clock hours).
  • 3.00 Credits

    This course focuses on the DNP student critically appraising the evidence of quality improvement (QI) measures, strategies, and outcomes in health care systems. The DNP student designs and evaluates care delivery approaches within the current organizational, political, cultural, and economic context to ensure accountability for quality of health care and patient safety in diverse organizations. Upon completion of this course, the student completes 30 DNP practice hours.
  • 3.00 Credits

    This course synthesizes concepts related to clinical prevention and at-risk populations. Using epidemiological and informatics principles, the DNP student assesses select population needs, with consideration of psychosocial, cultural, and ecological factors and their impact on health disparities across healthcare systems. Students evaluate care delivery models for population health services addressing health promotion/disease prevention that are responsive to diverse cultural needs. Upon completion of this course, the student completes 30 DNP practice hours.
  • 3.00 Credits

    This course examines theories and strategies to enhance the DNP student's leadership skills. Students are prepared to effectively lead change, facilitate interdisciplinary collaboration, and transform practice to impact quality of health care and outcomes within complex health care systems.
  • 2.00 Credits

    In this course, learners will incorporate principles of professionalism to engage with decision-makers in respectful and meaningful ways. Learners will then examine the policy-making process to identify opportunities that advanced practice nurses can employ to influence the development of strong healthcare policies. Finally, students will use their knowledge to analyze healthcare policies and identify strategies that could be used to advocate for individuals and the profession of nursing to ensure healthcare systems that are safe, equitable, and ethical. Upon completion of this course, the student achieves course practicum hours.
  • 2.00 Credits

    This course focuses on principles of healthcare economics and finance to develop and implement effective planning, decision-making, and evaluation for healthcare delivery within healthcare organizations and systems. It provides a financial management perspective to advanced nursing practice and general health care issues.
  • 1.00 - 2.00 Credits

    The DNP project courses produce a tangible and deliverable academic product created from a practice immersion experience, which is reviewed and evaluated by an academic committee. The final product shows evidence of the student's competence in critical thinking by translating evidence into practice and evaluating the evidence in the practice environment aimed toward improving healthcare outcomes. This course is the first of six courses (NRSG 7801 to NRSG 7806) and reflects a synthesis of the student's growth in knowledge and expertise throughout the program. NRSG 7801 focuses on the background and significance of the problem and outlines the synthesized evidence. This course may contain 30 to 120 DNP practicum hours.
  • 1.00 Credits

    The DNP project courses produce a tangible and deliverable academic product created from a practice immersion experience, which is reviewed and evaluated by an academic committee. The final product shows evidence of the student's competence in critical thinking by translating evidence into practice and evaluating the evidence in the practice environment aimed toward improving healthcare outcomes. This course is the second of six courses (NRSG 7801 to NRSG 7806) and reflects a synthesis of the student's growth in knowledge and expertise throughout the program. NRSG 7802 focuses on creating implementation and evaluation plans, presenting project proposal, and obtaining academic committee and IRB approval. This course may contain 60 practicum hours (1 credit = 60 practicum hours). Prerequisite:    NRSG 7801
  • 1.00 - 2.00 Credits

    The DNP project courses produce a tangible and deliverable academic product created from a practice immersion experience, which is reviewed and evaluated by an academic committee. The final product shows evidence of the student's competence in critical thinking by translating evidence into practice and evaluating the evidence in the practice environment aimed toward improving healthcare outcomes. This course is the third of six courses (NRSG 7801 to NRSG 7806) and reflects a synthesis of the student's growth in knowledge and expertise throughout the program. NRSG 7803 focuses on the project plan for implementation evaluation, and data analysis. This course may contain 60 practicum hours (1 credit = 60 practicum hours). Prerequisite:    NRSG 7802
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