Course Criteria

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  • 3.00 Credits

    This course is designed from the nationally recognized guidelines of the End-of-Life Nursing Education Consortium (ELNEC) project. These guidelines are revised regularly to reflect current advances in the field. The purpose of the ELNEC project is to support the knowledge and skills of nurses in providing palliative care to patients who are experiencing serious illness or end of life. ELNEC content focuses on nursing care at the end of life; pain management; symptom management; ethical/legal issues; cultural considerations in end-of-life care; communication; loss, grief, bereavement; and preparation for and care at time of death.
  • 3.00 Credits

    This course provides the theory requisite for the systematic examination and analysis of subjective and objective health assessment data obtained during the health assessment process. The health status of a client will be determined through the process of differential analysis of both the anecdotal evidence provided by the client and empirical evidence gathered during the physical examination. With this evidence, students will learn to apply the scientific process of formulating and testing hypothetical diagnoses. The overall purpose will be focused upon developing strategies and skills to assess the health care needs of people across the life span. Students are challenged to identify normal assessment findings and critically analyze variations from normal.
  • 3.00 Credits

    This course provides learning opportunities for nurses who work in various areas of health care with minimal opportunities to care for patients with cancer. The learning activities are based on current evidence, clinical experts, and patient values-evidenced-based practice. Throughout the course, an emphasis is placed on the collaborative interprofessional team tasked with managing the care of the patients regarding cancer diagnosis, cancer treatments, unintentional consequences stemming from treatment, and emotional aspects involved in caring for patients with cancer.
  • 3.00 Credits

    Terrorism, war and natural disasters present new challenges to nurses and requires they be trained to care for resultant victims. Learning emphasizes crisis management, specific patient/health issues and unique nursing interventions.
  • 3.00 Credits

    Advanced theories and concepts of nursing practice are explored in relation to adults experiencing life threatening alterations in health.
  • 3.00 Credits

    At risk pediatric and obstetric populations require multiple interventions from knowledgeable caregivers. In this course, students will learn theory and concepts associated with caring for these high-risk populations. By the end of this course students will have an increased understanding of nursing care and application of evidence-based care for improved outcomes.
  • 3.00 Credits

    Nursing 4100 is designed to assist students in learning theory and concepts related to nursing care of patients with chronic conditions, including illness implications and education for patients and families. Topics will include areas such as genetic conditions, caregiver stress and grieving, as well as advocacy for vulnerable populations. The course will incorporate application of advanced skills and knowledge to address coordination of complex care issues and healthcare resources inherent in caring for patients and families experiencing chronic conditions.
  • 3.00 Credits

    Nursing 4200 focuses on a basic understanding of how multiple sources of evidence are developed and integrated into an evidence-based nursing environment. These sources include the formal research process, quality improvement data, clinical judgment, inter-professional perspectives, and patient preference. This course will include the application of advanced knowledge and skills required for translating reliable evidence into evidence-based practice and clinical judgments. The course will also support the establishment of a research-base for the student's personal nursing practice, as well as influence the continual improvement of healthcare quality and safety.
  • 3.00 Credits

    Nursing 4300 will explore healthcare policies, including financial and regulatory policies, which directly and indirectly influence nursing practice. These policies shape responses to organizational, local, national, and global issues of equity, access, affordability, and social justice. Students will apply advanced skills and knowledge to identify, analyze and problem-solve variables affecting nursing decisions and healthcare policy encountered in nursing practice. Topics will be presented that provide an overview of legal and ethical principles and theories, emphasizing the role of ethics and healthcare policy in nursing.
  • 4.00 Credits

    Nursing 4400 explores nursing in diverse populations in a local and global contest emphasizing disease prevention, health promotion and cultural competency for the improvement of health status throughout the lifespan. Focus will include idsparities in health and health care services, and the impact of behavior and lifestyle choices. Course projects will incorporate application of advanced skills and knowledge related to health needs and health promotion at the individual and community level. Students will examine frameworks of community and public health, assess and analyze prevalent population-based health issues, and explore population-based interventions.
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