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  • 4.00 Credits

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  • 3.00 Credits

    Study of dance as one of the first art forms, from the primitive to its present state. Dance will also be studied sociologically as well as historically. Students will be exposed to the development of dance through history as it has been influenced by various economic and political forces. Students will be provided with information concerning outstanding contributions to dance and its authorities in the 20th century. Hopefully, the student will develop an appreciation of dance in contemporary society.
  • 1.00 Credits

    Basic ballet course for men and women to condition the body, develop an appreciation for ballet through its specific exercise forms and acquire the basic skill of ballet technique. Class is open to anyone. A text is used and grading is done by two written tests, attendance, and a performance final. The Frenc-Bouronville as well as the Russian techniques are taught. Video is used to expose students to the professional performance as well as dance history. Students also begin learning the importance of understanding anatomy, exercise physiology, kinesiology, music theory, theater practices and techniques, and physics as it relates to ballet and dance in general. Repeatable for credit
  • 1.00 Credits

    Designed for the dancer who has not been exposed to basic modern dance techniques. Class is open to anyone. Goal is to communicate through movement. Many different modern dance styles will be explored including Graham, Denis/Shawn and Cunningham. Video will be used as well as a text. Movement experiences will range from the classroom situation to large open space activities including out of doors. Students will learn to analyze others' movement patterns and how people communicate through movement. This is an important aspect in dance therapy. Music, as well as music theory, will be explored. Grading will be on movement projects, tests, and a final movement project. Repeatable for credit
  • 1.00 Credits

    Continuation of basic ballet technique for men and women who wish to become more proficient in the art and form of classical ballet. A text is used and grading is done based on attendance, two written examinations and a performance final. There is a continuation of the French/Bourenville as well as Russian techniques. Video is used for exposure to dance performance as well as technique. Dance history and ballet tradition is continued. Students continue the study of anatomy exercise physiology, kinesiology, music, theater and performance techniques as well as physics. Based on proficiency, some of these student may become eligible to audition for Ballet Repertory Ensemble, DE 2310. Prerequisite/Restriction: Permission of instructor. Repeatable for credit Campus: USU-CEU only Semester(s) Traditionally Offered: Fall, Spring
  • 1.00 Credits

    Designed for female ballet students with at least 2 years of Ballet training and who are observed to be ready for pointe work. Students must be physiologically mature and have the proper alignment and strength to dance on Pointe. A text is used and at least two written examinations are given plus a performance final. Each student progresses at her own rate and is graded accordingly as all are different. The rule of thumb is a child should be at least 11-12 before Pointe is allowed. Prerequisite/Restriction: Permission of instructor. Repeatable for credit
  • 1.00 Credits

    Involves a study of the fundamental types of movement used in the theater including mime, improvisation and basic musical theater dance forms. Class is open to any student that has had some experience or training in ballet, modern, or jazz dance and is interested in musical theater. Class is performance based. Students learn aspects of movement on stage in the areas of dance for musical theater and are also exposed to mime and other non-verbal forms of communication. Final project involves each student choreographing a 1 to 1.5 minute piece that would fit a period and style of a broadway show. Students are also required to research, use video and critique a broadway show. Repeatable for credit
  • 1.00 Credits

    Designed for the dancer who has already been exposed to Modern Dance or Classical Ballet technique. It is not a beginning class. Students should already have basic placement and traditional dance techniques in mind so as to be able to adequately explore the pure jazz technique. Class will explore the Giordano, Maddox, and Luigi methods as well as other methods. Video, handouts and a text are used. Grading is based on attendance, two tests, and a final performance project.
  • 1.00 Credits

    Beginning class for men and women interested in ethnic, character, and folk dance for the stage. Open to anyone with some dance background. A text is used as well as video. Grading is based on attendance, tests and a performance final. History and background surrounding the origins of many of the national dances will be explored as well as the differences between the three types.
  • 1.00 Credits

    Designed for the beginning and intermediate tap dancer. The class is open to anyone. Basic tap technique will be covered as well as terminology and history of the dance form. Includes the exploration of the current phase of tap and also the relationship of the basic differences between clogging and tap. Students will be required to reach a certain level of proficiency. Handouts and video will be used. Grading is based on attendance and performance.
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