Course Criteria
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3.00 Credits
Designed for Hispanic bilingual students whose home language is Spanish, but whose dominant language is English. The principal objective is to learn to write correctly and proficiently and to gain a strong cultural perspective on Latin America. The main focus of the course is on writing discourse, but oral language development is also addressed. Three lecture hours a week for one semester. International Business 372 (Topic 8: Business Spanish) and Mexican American Studies 350 may not both be counted. Prerequisite: Spanish 612 or 312L.
3.00 Credits
Explores cultural studies literature as read through the experience of the Mexican-origin community in the United States. Discussions include race, class, and feminism. Students write a research paper and deliver a scholarly presentation. Three lecture hours a week for one semester. Prerequisite: Upper-division standing and Mexican American Studies 307.
3.00 Credits
Profiles the current economic status of Mexican Americans in the United States. Examines two dimensions of public policy: historical trends and comparisons with other ethnic groups. Students write a policy report and deliver a professional presentation. Three lecture hours a week for one semester. Mexican American Studies 362 and 374 (Topic: Mexican American Public Policy Issues) may not both be counted. Prerequisite: Upper-division standing and Mexican American Studies 308.
3.00 Credits
Supervised readings with parallel work in relevant non-Chicano materials; preparation for Mexican American Studies 372. Individual instruction. Prerequisite: Mexican American Studies 310, 318, and 374; or consent of the director.
3.00 Credits
Supervised research on a Mexican American topic chosen in consultation with adviser and leading to a full-length essay. Individual instruction. Prerequisite: Mexican American Studies 310, 318, and 374; or consent of the director.
3.00 Credits
Individual instruction. May be repeated for credit. Prerequisite: Mexican American Studies 310, 318, and 374; or consent of the director.
3.00 Credits
Three lecture hours a week for one semester. Additional hours are required for some topics; these topics are identified in the Course Schedule. Some topics partially fulfill legislative requirement for American history. May be repeated for credit when the topics vary. Prerequisite: Varies with the topic and is given in the Course Schedule.
3.00 Credits
Restricted to Mexican American studies majors. Students participate in a nonpartisan, direct-service capacity in a community, civic, or government organization or program that facilitates the economic, political, and social development of the Mexican American community. Under the supervision of a faculty member, students write a report based on the internship project. The equivalent of three lecture hours a week for one semester. Additional weekly meeting times are sometimes required. With consent of the director or academic adviser, may be repeated for credit. Prerequisite: Mexican American Studies 310, 318, and 374; or consent of the director.
3.00 Credits
Restricted to Mexican American studies majors. Supervised research, readings, and writing of a substantial paper on a Mexican American studies topic. The equivalent of three lecture hours a week for two semesters. Prerequisite: For 679HA, Mexican American Studies 361, 362, or 372 with a grade of A; admission to the Mexican American Studies Honors Program no later than two semesters before expected graduation; a University grade point average of at least 3.00; and a grade point average in Mexican American studies of at least 3.50; for 679HB, Mexican American Studies 679HA.
3.00 Credits
An overview of the dynamics and business challenges of the contemporary music performance world, with an emphasis on the study of the rapidly changing musical culture and an increasingly competitive and diversified marketplace. Guest lecturers include professional conductors, directors of large performance venues, classical and pop music performers, music critics, songwriters, music publishers, entertainment law attorneys, and record producers. Three lecture hours a week for one semester. Only one of the following may be counted: Music 339M, 376C (Topic: Business of Music), Music Business 339M. Prerequisite: Upper-division standing.
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