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3.00 Credits
Axiom systems, transformational geometry, introduction to non- Euclidean geometries, and other topics in geometry; use of these ideas in teaching geometry. Three lecture hours a week for one semester. Prerequisite: Mathematics 408D, 408L, or 408S with a grade of at least C-; or upper-division standing and consent of instructor.
3.00 Credits
Introductory actuarial models for life insurance, property insurance, and annuities. With Mathematics 349P, covers the syllabus for the professional actuarial exam on model construction. Three lecture hours a week for one semester. Prerequisite: Mathematics 358K or 378K with a grade of at least C-.
3.00 Credits
Intermediate actuarial models for life insurance, property insurance, and annuities. Three lecture hours a week for one semester. Prerequisite: Mathematics 362K with a grade of at least C-; credit with a grade of at least C- or registration for Actuarial Foundations 329; and credit with a grade of at least C- or registration for Mathematics 340L or 341.
3.00 Credits
Advanced actuarial models for life insurance, property insurance, and annuities. Three lecture hours a week for one semester. Prerequisite: Actuarial Foundations 329 and Mathematics 339U with a grade of at least C- in each.
3.00 Credits
Options and other financial derivatives, pricing models, stock price models, and interest-rate models for actuarial applications. Three lecture hours a week for one semester. Prerequisite: Actuarial Foundations 329 with a grade of at least C-; Actuarial Foundations 129D, or Finance 377 (Topic 2: Financial Risk Management) with a grade of at least C-; and Mathematics 362K with a grade of at least C-.
3.00 Credits
Restricted to nonmathematics majors. Techniques of matrix calculations and applications of linear algebra. Three lecture hours a week for one semester. Mathematics 340L and 341 may not both be counted. Prerequisite: Mathematics 408C, 408K, or 408N with a grade of at least C-.
3.00 Credits
Restricted to mathematics majors. Vector spaces, linear transformations, matrices, linear equations, determinants. Some emphasis on rigor and proofs. Mathematics 340L and 341 may not both be counted. Prerequisite: Mathematics 408D or 408M with a grade of at least C-.
3.00 Credits
Elementary properties of groups and rings, including symmetric groups, properties of the integers, polynomial rings, elementary field theory. Three lecture hours a week for one semester. Students who have received a grade of C- or better in Mathematics 373K may not take Mathematics 343K. Prerequisite: Consent of the undergraduate adviser, or two of the following courses with a grade of at least C- in each: Mathematics 325K or Philosophy 313K, Mathematics 328K, Mathematics 341.
3.00 Credits
Basic properties of integers, including properties of prime numbers, congruences, and primitive roots. Introduction to finite fields and their vector spaces with applications to encryption systems and coding theory. Three lecture hours a week for one semester. Prerequisite: Mathematics 328K or 343K with a grade of at least C-.
3.00 Credits
Introduction to applications of algebra and number theory to errorcorrecting codes, including finite fields, error-correcting codes, vector spaces over finite fields, Hamming norm, coding, and decoding. Three lecture hours a week for one semester. Prerequisite: Mathematics 328K or 341 with a grade of at least C-.
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