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  • 3.00 Credits

    Prerequisite(s): Basic theory of ordinary and partial differential equations. This course introduces the basic theory and algorithms for nonlinear optimization for continuum systems. Emphasis will be given in numerical algorithms that are applicable to problems in which the constraints are ordinary or partial differential equations. Such problems have numerous applications in science and engineering. Lectures and homeworks will examine examples related to control, design, and inverse problems in vision, robotics, computer graphics, bioengineering, fluid and solid mechanics, molecular dynamics, and geophysics.
  • 3.00 Credits

    Prerequisite(s): Background in ordinary and partial differential equations; proficiency in a programming language such as MATLAB, C, or Fortran. This course is focused on techniques for numerical solutions of ordinary and partial differential equations. The content will include: algorithms and their analysis for ODEs; finite element analysis for elliptic, parabolic and hyperbolic PDEs; approximation theory and error estimates for FEM.
  • 3.00 Credits

    Prerequisite(s): ENM 500, ENM 501 or ENM 510, ENM 511 or equivalent. This course teaches the fundamental concepts underlying metric spaces, normed spaces, vector spaces, and inner- product spaces. It begins with a discussion of the ideals of convergence and completeness in metric spaces and then uses these ideas to develop the Banach fixed-point theorem and its applications to linear equations, differential equations and integral equations. The course moves on to a study of normed spaces, vector spaces, and Banach spaces and operators defined on vector spaces, as well as functional defined between vector spaces and fields. The course then moves to the study of inner product spaces, Hilbert spaces, orthogonal complements, direct sums, and orthonormal sets. Applications include the study of Legendre, Hermite, Laguerre, and Chebyshev polynomials, and approximation methods in normed spaces. The course then concludes with a study of eigenvalues and eigenspaces of linear operators and spectral theory in finite-dimensional vector spaces.
  • 3.00 Credits

    Prerequisite(s): Permission of Instructor. Continuous Dynamical Systems: Nonlinear Equations versus Linear Equations, One-Dimensional Flows: Flows on a Line, Fixed Points and Stability, Linear Stability Analysis, Potentials, Bifurcations, and Flows on the Circle. Two- Dimensional Flows: Linear Systems, Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors, Classification of Fixed Points, Phase Portraits, Conservative Systems, Reversible Systems, Index Theory, Limit Cycles, Gradient Systems, Liaponov Functions, Poincare-Bendixson Theorem, Lienard Systems, Relaxation Oscillations, Weakly Nonlinear Oscillators, Perturbation Theory, Saddle-Node, Transcritical and Pitchfork Bifurcations, Hopf Bifurcations, Global Bifurcations of Cycles, Hysteresis, and Poincare Maps. Three-Dimensional Flows: The Lorenz Equations, Strange Attractors and Chaos, The Lorenz Map. Discrete Dynamical Systems: One-Dimensional Maps, Chaos, Fixed Points and Cobwebs, The Liapunov Exponent, Universality and Feigenbaum's Number, Renormalization Theory, Fractals, Countable and Uncountable Sets, The Cantor Middle-Thirds Set, Self-Similar Fractals and Their Dimensions, The von Koch Curve, Box Dimension and Multifractals.
  • 3.00 Credits

    Prerequisite(s): MATH 103, MATH 104 and MATH 114 (Calculus of a Single Variable and some knowledge of Comples Numbers). This course will cover the mathematics behind the dynamics of discrete systems and difference equations. Topics include: Real function iteration, Converging and Diverging sequences, Periodic and chaotic sequences, Fixed-point, periodic-point and critical-point theories, Bifurcations and period-doubling transitions to chaos, Symbolic dynamics, Sarkovskii's theorem, Fractals, Complex function iterations, Julia and Mandelbrot sets. In the past, mathematics was learned only through theoretical means. In today's computer age, students are now able to enjoy mathematics through experimental means. Using numerous computer projects, the student will discover many properties of discrete dynamical systems. In addition, the student will also get to understand the mathematics behind the beautiful images created by fractals. Throughout the course, applications to: Finance, Population Growth, Finding roots, Differential Equations, Controls, Game and Graph Problems, Networks, Counting Problems and other real-world systems will be addressed.
  • 3.00 Credits

    Society Sector. All classes. Introduction to economic analysis and its application. Theory of supply and demand, costs and revenues of the firm under perfect competition, monopoly and oligopoly, pricing of factors of production, income distribution, and theory of international trade. Econ 1 deals primarily with microeconomics.
  • 3.00 Credits

    Society Sector. All classes. Prerequisite(s): ECON 001. Introduction to economic analysis and its application. An examination of a market economy to provide an understanding of how the size and composition of national output are determined. Elements of monetary and fiscal policy, international trade, economic development, and comparative economic systems.
  • 3.00 Credits

    Staff. The first part of the course covers basic microeconomic concepts such as opportunity cost, comparative advantage, supply and demand, importance of costs and revenues under perfect competition vs. monopoly, externalities and public goods. The second part of the course introduces macroeconomic data, two models of the labor market, a model of the aggregate household, and the standard AD-AS model. The course concludes with an introduction to fiscal policy, banking, and the role of the Central Bank.
  • 3.00 Credits

    Prerequisite(s): ECON 001, some high school algebra. This course may NOT be taken concurrently or after Econ 212. This course is about strategically interdependent decisions. In such situations, the outcome of your actions depends also on the actions of others. When making your choice, you have to think what the others will choose, who in turn are thinking what you will be choosing, and so on. Game Theory offers several concepts and insights for understanding such situations, and for making better strategic choices. This course will introduce and develop some basic ideas from game theory, using illustrations, applications, and cases drawn from business, economics, politics, sports, and even fiction and movies. Some interactive games will be played in class. There will be little formal theory, and the only prerequisite is some high-school algebra. This course will also be accepted by the Economics department as and Econcourse, to be counted toward the minor in Economics (or as an Econ elective).
  • 3.00 Credits

    Prerequisite(s): ECON 001 or ECON 010. This course presents an overview of the field of development economics. The general aim is to show how economic analysis has been applied to issues related to developiing countries. Among the topics covered are: income distribution, poverty, health, population growth, migration, growth, and the rural economy.
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