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3.00 Credits
SOC 203. Fundamental of Social Research: An introduction. 3(3,0). This course is designed to introduce the student to qualitative reserch methods and the scientific method as it used in social science research. The student will be given an overview of social science qualitative research methods such as library research, textual analysis and ethnographic field reserach. Three credits. Prerequisites: SOC 250 and Sophomore standing.(S)
3.00 Credits
SOC 250. Introduction to Sociology. 3(3,0). The basic concepts and principles of sociology. A scientific approach to the analysis and explanation of culture, personality and social organization. (Prerequisite to all other Sociology courses.) Prerequisite: Sophomore standing.(F,S)
3.00 Credits
SOC 310. Cultural Anthropology. 3(3,0). This course examines the following topics:(1)the evolution of man; (2)the basic concepts in linguistics; (3)preliterate cultures; (4)methods of research; (5)approaches to anthropology; (6)culture change and applied anthropology; (7)current controversies. Prerequisite: Junior standing.(F,S)
3.00 Credits
SOC 311. Racial and Ethnic Minorities. 3(3,0). The nature and signifiance of minority differences (racial, ethnic, religious, etc.) for distributive patterns and social relationships. Dominant-minority group patterns in America. Tactics and strategies in eradication of inequality. Prerequisite: Junior standing. (S).
3.00 Credits
SOC 320. Personality, Culture and Society. 3(3,0). Socialization processes, including early childhood training and rites of passage, personality and national character; cultural definitions of emotion and stress responses. Prerequisite:SOC 202.
3.00 Credits
SOC 402. Sociological Theory: Introduction. 3(3,0). A systematic study of the major sociological theories from Comte to present. Emphasis is placed on the development of conceptual framework basic to understanding of sociological materials and the contributions of various writers to the field. Prerequisite: SOC 201. (F).
3.00 Credits
SOC 405. Field Experiences in Applied Sociology. 3(3,0). This course is designed to provide upper-level students with supervised field experience in a community orginization, social service agency or social change organization. The instructor will establish contact withthe sponsoring organization to structure the student's practical experiences to meet the needs of both the student and the sponsoring organization. As a part of the field experience, students are expected to develop a daily log of activites and final practicum report. Prerequisites: Senior status or a minimum of 24 semester hours in Sociology including Social Statistics and Fundamentals of Social Research with a cumulative grade point of 2.00 or better and the consent of the instructor. (F,S)
3.00 Credits
SP 101. Elementary Spanish. 3(3,0). A course designed to give students the basic comprehensision, speaking, reading and writing skills in spanish and the foundations of Spanish grammer. (F,S)
3.00 Credits
SP 102. Elementary Spanish 3(3,0). A continuation of the basic comprehension, speaking, reading, and writing skills in Spanish and the foundations of Spanish grammer. Prerequisite: Spanish 101. (F,S)
3.00 Credits
SP 201. Intermediate Spanish. 3(3,0). Grammer, reading, composition, oral-aural exercises. Prerequisite: Spanish 102. (F,S)
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