Course Criteria
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3.00 Credits
Course provides an introduction and overview of the multidisciplinary field of exercise and sport science. THe importance of specialized areas of study such as exercise physiology, biomechanics, exerise/sport psychology, motor behavior, fitness management, and nutrition for optimal health and physical performance will be highlighted. Course also provides an overview of the exercise and sport science program as well as career perspectives within the field.
3.00 Credits
(3) An introduction to the study of the anatomical basic of human movement, with emphasis on bone, muscle, their growth and development, joint structure and movement and major physiological principles. In addition, the application of those scientific underpinnings to sport conditioning is covered. F,S,Su
3.00 Credits
(3)(Prereq: EXSS*222 or permission of instructor) This course provides an introduction to the philosophy, principles and techniques of effective coaching with emphasis on the pedagogical and psychosocial aspects of preparing amateur athletes for competition. Course includes the art and science of coaching in areas such as group/team development, practice planning, teaching sport skills and game tactics, and team assessment and evaluation. F,S,Su
Take EXSS*222;
3.00 Credits
(3)(Prereq: a grade of C or better in EXSS*205) Investigates the basic, scientific, and applied concepts of nutrition and substrate utilization as they apply to energy production for exercise, body composition, weight control and thermoregulation. Emphasis given to analyzing nutrional behaviors for enhanced exercise and sport performances. F,S,Su
Take EXSS*205(4350); Minimum grade C;
3.00 Credits
(3 credits)(Prereq: A grade of 'C' or better in STAT*201/L) An overview of the research process in exercise and sport science. Emphasis is given to experimental design, data gathering techniques, analysis and interpretation of qualitative and quantitative research methods, and research writing in the area of exercise and sport science. F,S
Take STAT*201 STAT*201L; Minimum grade C;
3.00 Credits
(3)(Prereq: a grade of C or better in EXSS*222) Modern fundamental principles and practices in the prevention, treatment, and care of fitness and sport-related injuries. Administrative and legal issues related to injury management also covered. Course also provides emergency first aid and adult cardiopulminary resuscitation certification. F,S
Take KRSS*222; Minimum grade C;
3.00 Credits
(3)(Prereq: Sophomore standing) An overview of basic concepts and principles essential to understanding the psychological and behavioral aspects of sport performance enhancement and mental skills, exercise behavior and motivation, sociological factos, and health and well-being. Applications are made to future practitioners of coaching, teaching, sports medicine, counseling, sport management, and fitness instruction. F,S.
3.00 Credits
(Prereq: A grade of C or better in BIOL 232/BIOL 232L and BIOL 242/BIOl 242L)(Coreq: EXSS 350L) This course provides an overview of exercise physiology theory and principles and an examination of the physiological responses to both acute and chronic physical activity. The impact of environment, supplements, detraining and overtraining on physiological responses to exercise will also be highlighted. Finally, various techniques utilized to assess physiological responses to exercise will also be discussed. F,S,Su.
Take BIOL*232 BIOL*232L BIOL*242 BIOL*242L; Minimum grade C;, Take EXSS*350L;
1.00 Credits
(Prereq: A grade of C or better in BIOL 232/BIOL 232L and BIOL 242/BIOL 242L)(Coreq: EXSS 350) An applied course that reinforces the basic principles and skills learned in exercise physiology lecture (Physical Education 350). Emphasis placed on the collection of real data and the generation of scientific lab reports.
Take BIOL*232 BIOL*232L BIOL*242 BIOL*242L; Minimum grade C;, Take EXSS*350;
3.00 Credits
(Prereq: A grade of C or better in EXSS 205 or EDPE 290)(Coreq: EXSS 360l) A study of the development (maturation and growth), acquisition, retention, and transfer of motor skills and behavior throughout the lifespan. Emphasis given to the underlying processes in the control, learning, and performance of motor skills. As a foundation course for motor skill practitioners working with a variety of ages, and populations, the content blends principles of motor learning/control, motor development, and sport psychology.
Take EXSS*205(4350) or PHED*290; Minimum grade C;, Take EXSS*360L;
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