Course Criteria

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  • 3.00 Credits

    Fulfills a course requirement in the Psychology Core ConcentrationPrerequisite: PSYCH 211 or EDU 202 and at least junior standing.This course is designed to provide a detailed examination of cognitivedevelopment from birth through adolescence. Emphasis will be placedon the methods developmental psychologists use and the majortheoretical issues, questions, and implications of both normativedevelopment and individual differences in development. Topics willinclude the major theoretical perspectives on cognitive development(Piaget's theory, Neo-Piagetian theories, and information processingtheories) as well as developmental perspectives on memory, socialcognition, language, and the relation between cognitive developmentand the social context.
  • 3.00 Credits

    Prerequisite: PSYCH 100 and at least junior standingFulfills a course requirement in the Psychology Core ConcentrationThis course is designed for students interested in an in-depthexamination of the role of psychology in understanding variousaspects of the personnel process. Methods of psychology are applied toissues such as the theoretical perspectives of motivation and fairness,counterproductive work behaviors, honesty testing, job analysis, ethicsin personnel procedures, and the context, culture and climate ofinterpersonal work relationships.
  • 3.00 Credits

    Prerequisites: PSYCH 100, 240, and junior standingRequired of all students majoring in Psychology. Students will beexposed to the wide range of research methods and designs used in Psychology, including observational methods, survey research, aswell as correlational and experimental designs. Students will learn toprepare psychological research reports using the style required by theAmerican Psychological Association.
  • 3.00 Credits

    Fulfills a course requirement in the Psychology Core ConcentrationPrerequisite: PSYCH 100 and at least junior standing.The application of social science research methods and psychologicalknowledge to contemporary issues in the criminal justice system.Topics include: eyewitness memory, scientific jury selection, policeidentification procedures, jury decision making, credibility of witnesstestimony, the social scientist as an expert witness, and researchmethods used by legal psychologists.
  • 3.00 Credits

    Fulfills a course requirement in the Psychology Core ConcentrationPrerequisites: PSYCH 100,An overview of community psychology as a new development in thedelivery of psychological services focusing on the role of the clinicalpsychologist and paraprofessional in a community setting. Includesa critical analysis of state institutionalization in comparison to morerecent developments of community mental health services.
  • 3.00 Credits

    Fulfills a course requirement in the Psychology Core ConcentrationPrerequisites: PSYCH 100, 250 or 280 and at least junior standing.A brief theoretical overview of counseling is discussed in conjunctionwith the application of practical skill development. Skills included arelistening, interviewing, presentation of self, rapport development, andempathy. The laboratory experiences focus on the development andsharpening of the skills requisite for success in graduate studies andenhanced employment opportunities.
  • 3.00 Credits

    Prerequisite: PSYCH 100 and junior standing or consent of instructorFulfills a course requirement in the Psychology Core ConcentrationThis course examines multicultural issues within psychology,focusing on racial, cultural, and ethnic characteristics and identities,as well as other domains of difference, such as gender, age, sexualorientation, religion, ability, and their intersections. The course seeksto define multiculturalism and its role within psychological researchand theory, exploring such topics as prejudice and stereotyping,communication styles, cultural values and identities, immigrationand acculturation, and mental and physical health among diversecultural groups.
  • 3.00 Credits

    Fulfills a course requirement in the Psychology Core ConcentrationPrerequisites: PSYCH 100, or BIO 103, 104 and at least junior standing.Examines the biological bases of behavior, thought, and emotion.Focuses on the methods used to determine the correlation betweenphysiological and behavioral variables and on the data obtained bythese methods.
  • 3.00 Credits

    Cross-listed as BIO 362; Fulfills a course requirement in the PsychologyCore ConcentrationPrerequisites: PSYCH 100, BIO 103, and BIO 104, or NATSC 103, and atleast junior standing. or consent of instructorProseminar course. Emphasizes common challenges that variousspecies face. The mechanisms responsible for behavior, includingsensory receptors, filters, neurobiology and the endocrinesystem are discussed. The development of behavior, as well asbehavior genetics and evolution are examined. Students thenfocus on communication and adaptations for survival, and social organization in animal groups. Students present the results of aliterature search.
  • 3.00 Credits

    Fulfills a course requirement in the Psychology Core ConcentrationPrerequisite: PSYCH 100, 240 and at least junior standing.Emphasizes the construction of reality from sensations arising fromstimulation by changes in environmental energy. Some considerationis given to biofeedback, meditation, yoga, and other factors thatmodulate perceptual process.
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