Course Criteria
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3.00 Credits
Fulfills a course requirement in the American Studies Core ConcentrationFulfills a course requirement in the History Core ConcentrationSurveys the political, economic, social, diplomatic, and culturaldevelopment of the United States from the Reconstruction to thepresent.
4.00 Credits
Prerequisite: HIST 101, 102, 151,152 or consent of instructorExamines the basic concerns of historians in the modern world,focusing on the development of history as an academic discipline,philosophies of history, and historical method. The lab stresses analysisand critique of models of historical writing, interpretation of primarysource materials, and elements of style and form appropriate forscholarly publications in the historical field, through a series of writingassignments of increasing sophistication
3.00 Credits
Prerequisite: HIST 101,102 or consent of instructorFulfills a course requirement in the History Core ConcentrationAn introductory course that emphasizes the political, religious,cultural, and historical influences of East Asia from antiquity to themodern era, with special emphasis on Asia's response to Westernintrusion, its interpretation of Asian nationalisms, and its efforts tofoster a unique Asian identity.
3.00 Credits
Prerequisite: HIST 101,102 or consent of instructorFulfills a course requirement in the History Core ConcentrationAn introductory course that analyzes the continent during and aftercolonial rule, with an examination of the era of European control,the growth of African nationalism, and the victories and defeats ofindependence.
3.00 Credits
Prerequisite: HIST 101,102 or consent of instructorFulfills a course requirement in the History Core ConcentrationThis course presents a synthesis of the historical development ofLatin America from the Pre-Columbian era to the present. Thecourse is organized in chronological fashion and examines topicssuch as Pre-Columbian states, the colonial period, the movement forindependence, and neocolonialism.
3.00 Credits
Prerequisite: HIST 101,102 or permission from instructorFulfills a course requirement in the History Core ConcentrationThis course will introduce students to the major historicaldevelopments of the modern Middle East, with a brief foray into itsancient history to give students a broad background of the region.It will focus on the historical period following the decline of theOttoman Empire in the beginning of the 20th century down throughthe modern day. The course will provide the student with a foundationfor further study on the Middle East. Issues to be discussed mayinclude a focus on the Arab-Israeli conflict, role of oil in the world,religious extremism, the Lebanese civil war, the Iraq war, and theIranian revolution.
3.00 Credits
Prerequisite: HIST 101,102 or consent of instructorFulfills a course requirement in the History Core ConcentrationEach semester this course is offered a new topic is chosen forin-depth study. Students may suggest topics to the instructor. Samplesubjects include: History of Science and Technology, Socialism andCommunism; The Totalitarians; Modern Jewish History; Voyages ofDiscovery. This course may be repeated for credit, but students maystudy a single topic only once.
3.00 Credits
Prerequisite: HIST 101,102 or consent of instructorFulfills a course requirement in the History Core ConcentrationEach semester that this course is offered, one modern Europeannation's development is explored. This course may be repeated forcredit, but students may study a single nation only once.
3.00 Credits
Prerequisite: HIST 101,102 or consent of instructorFulfills a course requirement in the History Core ConcentrationThis course examines the historical development of one specificcountry or sub-region of Africa. The course will focus on both largerpolitical, economic, an social transformations as well as changes inthe daily lives of people. Countries or regions to be studied couldinclude: South Africa, Egypt, Ethiopia and The Congo.
3.00 Credits
Prerequisite: HIST 101,102 or consent of instructorFulfills a course requirement in the History Core ConcentrationThis course examines the historical development of one specific countryor sub-region in Asia. The course will focus on both the larger political,economic, and social transformations as well as changes in the daily livesof people. Countries or regions to be studied could include: ModernChina, Modern Japan, and Modern Korea.
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