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3.00 Credits
Prerequisites: EDU 381 and EDU 382Middle level teaching and learning strategies are discussed inthis course. Topics include interdisciplinary instruction, workingin collaborative teams, and mentorships. Emphasis is placed onthe design, development, and implementation of standards-basedinstruction and performance-based assessment. Students complete a60-hour supervised field placement as part of this course.
3.00 Credits
Prerequisites: EDU 200 and EDU 202This course for PK-12 Dance Education majors focuses on how social,historical and cultural movements affect dance as an art form, andhow dance serves important societal functions, Methodologies forresearch, reconstruction, and teaching social historical, concertand world dances in public education are presented and linked toappropriate standards.
3.00 Credits
Prerequisites: EDU 200 and EDU 202This course reviews the concepts taught in the secondary schoolmathematics classroom in the areas of number and operations,number theory, and algebra, patterns and functions. The courseemphasizes demonstration of instructional methodologies, usesof instructional materials, and demonstration of a variety ofrepresentations in problem solving to prepare pre-service teachersto teach and communicate mathematical ideas in an authentic andmeaningful way. Participants are also introduced to national andstate standards regarding mathematics learning and instruction.Field experiences include observing adolescents in school settingsduring math instruction, interviewing students, and leading a groupmathematical activity.
3.00 Credits
Prerequisites: EDU 200, EDU 202, EDU 390This course reviews the concepts taught in the secondary schoolmathematics classroom in the areas of geometry, data and probability,and trigonometry. The course emphasizes demonstration ofinstructional methodologies, uses of instructional materials, anddemonstration of a variety of representations in problem solving toprepare pre-service teachers to teach and communicate mathematicalideas in an authentic and meaningful way. Participants continue touse national and state standards regarding mathematics learning andinstruction. 15 hours of fieldwork include co-teaching and teachingassignments.
3.00 Credits
Prerequisites: EDU 200 and EDU 202Preparation to teach inquiry-based science involves learning how toplan, deliver, and assess appropriate curricula and student learning.This course enables students to apply their knowledge of science content and inquiry as a pedagogical practice, and general bestpractices with respect to science laboratory activities and safety. Inaddition, students participate in a variety of field experiences andreflect on them to gain powerful insights into science teaching andlearning in the secondary school.
3.00 Credits
Prerequisites: EDU 200 and EDU 202This course provides students with exemplary experiences that aredesigned to prepare them for successfully teaching science at thesecondary level. Because science teaching is a complex activity that isbest learned through experience, course participants design and testinstructional approaches to teaching and assessing science, guidedby the National Science Education Standards. In addition, studentsparticipate in a variety of field experiences, under the guidance ofprofessionals, and reflect on them in order to gain powerful insightsinto science teaching and learning in the secondary school.
3.00 Credits
Prerequisites: EDU 200 and EDU 202This course is designed for undergraduates enrolled in a secondaryEnglish Education Program. The main objective is to explore currenttheories and best practices of English literacy instruction andassessment. Topics include: reading fluency, reading comprehension,and reader response theories and practice. Because English literacy isa complex topic, course participants are actively engaged in designinginstructional materials and organizational possibilities for buildingan active literate classroom environment. Field experiences add toparticipants' knowledge of adolescent literacy processes.
3.00 Credits
Prerequisites: EDU 200 and EDU 202This course is designed for undergraduates enrolled in a secondaryEnglish Education program. The main objective is to explore theoriesand best practices of writing instruction and assessment. Topicsinclude the components of writing instruction: the process andcontext, the writing genres, and the application of English languageconventions; and the study of English language structure, semantics,and morphology. Course participants are actively engaged in a writer'sworkshop while learning how to design one for their own classrooms.Field experiences focus on media and writing curriculum.
3.00 Credits
Prerequisites: EDU 200 and EDU 202This course focuses primarily on the current state of history educationin the United States. Is the teaching of history primarily a collectivememory exercise intended to pass on a particular version of thepast? Is history education a disciplinary exercise intended to preparestudents to think critically about the past and its legacy? Studentsexamine how the answers to these questions inform the nature ofhistorical thinking, historical knowledge, and the teaching of history.Field experiences include observing the teaching and learning ofhistory in the high school classroom as well as co-teaching a directinstruction lesson with a cooperating teacher.
3.00 Credits
Prerequisites: EDU 200 and EDU 202The primary focus of this course is to enhance the engagement ofstudents through inquiry-based teaching and learning in the secondaryclassroom. The course offers a rich variety of ideas and resourcesfor teachers regarding historical thinking, the selection of content,methods, problem solving, deliberative discussion, the use of primarysources, and ways to assess students' learning. Teachers of history willdiscover and explore ways to activate the "historian" present in allstudents, heighten historical consciousness, and help students thinkcritically about historical events. Field experiences include observingthe teaching and learning of history in the high school classroom as well as co-teaching an inquiry-based lesson with a cooperatingteacher.
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