Course Criteria

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  • 3.00 Credits

    Fulfills a course requirement in the Creative Writing Core ConcentrationThis foundation course is a critical study of the essential poetic forms(villanelle, sonnet, sestina, etc.) and how the forms relate to thecontemporary voice through critical reading of established writersand appropriate texts. Through both seminars and writing workshops,the class combines the critical study of published writing and thedevelopment of student work to learn how form and the historyof form creates the basis for all poetry. Students will be exposedto essential works by writers such as John Berryman, ElizabethBishop, T.S. Elliot, Phillip Larkin, Robert Lowell, Sylvia Plath, FrankO'Hara, Theodore Roethke, and William Carlos Williams. Creativeexpectations are no more than three revised poems that fully reflectthe focused study of the course.
  • 3.00 Credits

    Fulfills a course requirement in the Creative Writing Core ConcentrationThis foundation course is a critical study of the elements ofnarrative structure and design in the short story, such as characterdevelopment, point of view, tone, setting, plotting, and timemanagement. Through both seminars and writing workshops,the class combines the critical study of published writing andthe development of study work to learn how narrative not onlyaffects the short story, but becomes the short story. Students willbe exposed to essential works by writers such as, James Baldwin,Raymond Carver, Anton Chekhov, Tim O'Brien, Flannery O'Conner,John Updike, and Alice Walker. Creative expectations are no morethan two revised short stories that fully reflect the focused study ofthe course.
  • 3.00 Credits

    Fulfills a course requirement in the Creative Writing Core ConcentrationPrerequisite: CW 210, CW 220, and a 200 or 300 Level Writing courseStudents write a craft analysis paper on memoirs and personal essaysby such authors as Jo Ann Beard, Lucy Grealy, James Baldwin, andHarry Crews. Later, they produce and workshop their own personalwriting.
  • 3.00 Credits

    Prerequisite: At least second semester sophomore statusThis course offers students opportunities to develop and apply realworldskills in publishing towards the production of a high-qualitynational art & literary magazine. This class seeks dedicated studentsfrom across disciplines to be responsible for all levels of magazineproduction from maintaining up-to-date records, and designing adcopy, print magazine layout, and a Web site, to slushing submissions,proofreading, copy editing, corresponding with authors, anddistributing the final product. Through demonstrated achievement andcommitment, students may rise through the following ranks over time:Editorial Assistant, Assistant Poetry Editor, Assistant Fiction Editor,Assistant Production Editor, Managing Editor. This course may betaken more than once for credit.
  • 3.00 Credits

    Fulfills a course requirement in the Creative Writing Core ConcentrationPrerequisite: CW 210, CW 220, and a 200 or 300 level Writing CourseAll creative writers can benefit from studying playwriting by learninghow to advance a plot through dialogue. This course will engage ina critical study of major contemporary playwrights, such as, DavidMamet, Sam Shepherd, Eugene O'Neill, Tony Kushner, and AugustWilson. Through that study, students will learn how to take theessential dramatic elements (dialogue, characterization, structure) andcraft original monologues and scenes, culminating in an original oneactplay.
  • 3.00 Credits

    Fulfills a course requirement in the Creative Writing Core ConcentrationPrerequisite: CW 210, CW 220, and a 200 or 300 level Writing CourseAs in CW 360 - Writers Reading Fiction Seminar, it is essentialthat poets actively engage in reading works by established writers.Through studying poets that compose the diverse contemporarycanon, students will develop the skills to read a poem by its varioustechnical craft elements. This class helps students bridge the criticalanalysis of the writing process with the development of their ownwriting skills. Students will be exposed to essential works of writerssuch as, Agah Shahid Ali, Lucille Clifton, Seamus Heaney, YusifKomunyaaka, Li-Young Lee, Naomi Shihab Nye, Natasha Tretheway,Anna Akhmatova, Czeslaw Milosz, Pablo Neruda, and Rainer MariaRilke.
  • 3.00 Credits

    Fulfills a course requirement in the Creative Writing Core ConcentrationPrerequisite: CW 210, CW 220, and a 200 or 300 level Writing CourseIt is a tried and true maxim that the best way to learn to writeis to read. In this course, students will learn to "read as writers."Through studying writers that compose the contemporary canon,students will learn to read a work by its various technical craftelements. This class helps students bridge the critical analysis ofthe writing process with the development of their own writingskills. Students will be exposed to essential works of writers suchas, Toni Morrison, Junot Diaz, Sherman Alexie, Chang-Rae Lee, andSandra Cisneros.
  • 3.00 Credits

    Fulfills a course requirement in the Creative Writing Core Concentration.Prerequisites: A 200 or 300 level Writing course; CW 210, and CW 220.To enhance the variety of upper level offerings, this breadth coursestudies specific subjects that are outside the standard creative writingcurriculum. Topics offered on a rotating basis include, but arenot limited to the following: Adaptation: From Words to Pictures;Linguistics for the Writer; Nonfiction Sports Writing; HumorousNonfiction; A Life's Work: Studying a Major Writer; Region and Craft:How Place Shapes Writing. The course but not the topic may berepeated for credit.
  • 3.00 Credits

    Fulfills a course requirement in the Creative Writing Core ConcentrationPrerequisite: CW 350 or CW 360 and a 200 or 300 level Writing CourseA critical study of the schools of contemporary poetry, (e.g., NewYork School, Black Mountain Poets, Boston School, the Beats, etc.)and how newly developed forms convey the contemporary voice.Students will critically study the works of other writers and then applyanalytical discussion to their own work in evaluating it for revision.Creative expectations are no more than five revised poems that fullyreflect the focused study of the course.
  • 3.00 Credits

    Fulfills a course requirement in the Creative Writing Core ConcentrationPrerequisite: CW 350 or CW 360 and a 200 or 300 level Writing CourseThe use of style can be as essential to conveying a story's meaningas the individual narrative components. In this course, students willread works by authors such as, Michael Cunningham, Philip Roth,Colson Whitehead, Paul Auster, Milan Kundera, and E. Annie Proulxto see how stylized writing becomes part of the meaning of the work.Students will also present their own works in a workshop format,applying the analytical discussion of the assigned readings to theirown writing and revision process. Creative expectations are no morethan three short stories that fully reflect the focused study of thecourse.
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