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  • 3.00 Credits

    Prerequisite: At least Junior standing, COMM 100 or COMM 101; approvalby the RWU Washington semester Communication advisor.Fulfills a requirement in the Global Communication major, minor andcore concentration.Offered by faculty at the Washington Center for ExperientialLearning as part of the Roger Williams University Semester inWashington, D.C. program. Seminar topics vary from semester tosemester, and are chosen in consultation with the Washington CenterAcademic Advisory Board. Among topics offered in recent semestersapplicable to the Global Communication program are "Global PolicyIssues: the U.S., China and the World," "International Organizationsand Humanitarian Law," "International Human Rights," GlobalHealth Intersections: Women's Health and Pandemics," "PeacefulSolutions: Alternatives to Violence," "Citizenship in a MulticulturalSociety."
  • 3.00 Credits

    Prerequisite: At least Junior standing, COMM 100 or COMM 101;completion of interdisciplinary core and writing requirements; approval bythe RWU Washington semester Communication advisor.Offered by faculty at the Washington Center as part of the RogerWilliams University Semester in Washington, D.C. program. Seminartopics vary from semester to semester, and are chosen in consultationwith the Washington Center Academic Advisory Board. Amongtopics offered in recent semesters applicable to the Communicationprogram are "The Mass Media and National Politics," "Media, Ethicsand the Movies," "Strategic Communication for the Policy-MakingArena," "Fundraising in the 21st Century," "How Washington ReallyWorks: Government and Business in the New Economic Reality,""Campaigning for a Cause: how Advocacy Groups Change the World."
  • 3.00 Credits

    Prerequisite: At least Junior standing, COMM 100 or COMM 101;completion of interdisciplinary core and writing requirements; approval bythe RWU Washington semester Communication advisor.This project is undertaken while students are participating in theRoger Williams University Washington semester program. Theproject is developed before the student leaves the Bristol campus,in consultation with faculty in the Communication program. It issupervised during the student's time in Washington by a member ofthe Washington Center faculty. The project, based on the student'sinternship work, requires academic research of the organization forwhich the student is working while in Washington.
  • 3.00 Credits

    Prerequisite: COMM 100, and junior standing or consent of instructorThis seminar course examines the media of the 21st century througha media ecological lens using deep readings in two of McLuhan'sworks, The Global Village and Understanding Media. Writtenin the latter half of the 20th century, McLuhan's works display aprescience that makes them relevant in this digital age. Will theInternet make us a global village? Or will it fragment our societies?What does it mean to be human in this age of digital mediatechnology? Readings in works by McLuhan scholars Paul Levinson,Robert Logan and others bring McLuhan's ideas into the 21stcentury.
  • 4.00 Credits

    A broad-based introduction to the core concepts of computer sciencewith an emphasis on program design. Topics include basic algorithmsand data structures, recursion, event-handling, and object-orientedconcepts. The course employs the Java programming language todevelop interactive applets designed to run within the student's WorldWide Web home page.
  • 3.00 Credits

    Prerequisites: COMSC 111 or permission of instructorExamines fundamental issues in the design, implementation and useof modern programming languages, while emphasizing alternativeproblem-solving paradigms and languages developed for exploitingthem. Topics include procedural, functional, declarative, and objectorientedlanguages; the specification of syntax and semantics; andlanguage implementation issues. Several modern languages are usedto illustrate course topics.
  • 4.00 Credits

    Cross-Listed as BIO 331Fulfills a course requirement in the Biology Core Concentration andBiotechnology CertificatePrerequisite: BIO 200 and COMSC 110 or consent of instructorThe course reviews the fundamental concepts of molecular andevolutionary biology, with a focus on the types of questions that lendthemselves to computer analysis. In web-based exercises students willbecome familiar with they content and format of the most commonlyused databases and learn to query them with the associated searchengines. Some of the basic algorithms used to compare and ordersequence data will be presented, along with the programs that areused to evaluate the inferred patterns statistically and to present themgraphically. A weekly computer-programming lab will train studentsto write simple scripts to extract sequence information from databasesand to search for specific patterns within these data.
  • 3.00 Credits

    Prerequisites: COMSC 111, MATH 221 or permission of instructorStudents with COMSC 240 are not eligible to take this course except forgrade replacementFormal models of computation provide the framework for analyzingcomputing devices, with the goal of understanding the types ofcomputations, which may be carried out on them. Finite andpushdown automata and the classes of languages, which theyrecognize, occupy the first part of the course. The remainder of thecourse addresses Turing machines, recursive functions, Church'sThesis, undecidability, and NP-completeness.
  • 3.00 Credits

    Prerequisites: COMSC 111, MATH 221 or permission of instructorStudents with COMSC 220 are not eligible to take this course except forgrade replacementThis course studies analysis of algorithms and the relevance ofanalysis to the design of efficient computer algorithms. Algorithmicapproaches covered include greedy, divide and conquer, and dynamicprogramming. Topics include sorting, searching, graph algorithms, anddisjoint set structure. NP-completeness and approximation algorithmsare also introduced.
  • 1.00 Credits

    Prerequisite: Senior standing or permission of the instructorThis seminar will meet once each week and will include all seniorsmajoring in computer science. Practicing professionals will presentseminars on topics of current interest. Topics typically addressed willinclude professional ethics, state-of-the-art developments, businesspractices and procedures. Speakers will be drawn from the business,government and academic communities. Students will be requiredto maintain a journal and to participate in a professional readingprogram.
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