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3.00 Credits
Core Concentration.Prerequisite: Placement by examination or successful completion (C- orhigher) of the appropriate Intermediate II language courseAdvanced Topics is a variable content course designed to explore areasof language study outside of the scope of literature. Topics includelinguistics, European literary criticism, and business. Unless otherwisenoted, this course is taught in the target language, and a high levelof proficiency is expected. The topic covered each semester is listedin the Course Bulletin. This course may be repeated for credit, butstudents must study a different topic each time this course is offered.
3.00 Credits
Prerequisite: Placement by examination or successful completion (C- orhigher) of the appropriate Intermediate Language II course. As is the ruleof most 300 and above courses, this course will be taught mainly in thetarget language.The "El Siglo de Oro" is considered the apex of Spain's literary andartistic history. This is the period between the Spanish Renaissanceand the Baroque Era ( XVI-XXVII centuries). That era is framedby the works of the Italianist, Garcilazo de la Vega, and the Neobaroquedramatist, Pedro Calderon de la Varca. Emphasis will beplaced on the literary study and criticism of prominent works andauthors through reading, discussions, and writing in the targetlanguage.
3.00 Credits
Prerequisite: Placement by examination or successful completion (C- orhigher) of the appropriate Intermediate Language II course. As is the ruleof most 300 and above courses, this course will be taught mainly in thetarget languageAs a result of the Spanish - American War Era of 1898, Spain lostits last overseas Colonies. That embarrassing defeat gave rise to amultitude of discussions by Spain's intellectuals who saw the "SpanishProblem" as extremely serious. They turned within themselves to try torediscover and revive the spirit that had made Spain great. The resultwas a new movement that became known as the Generation 98. Thecourse will emphasize the works of the major philosophers, poets,novelists, and briefly touch on other architectural, musical, and artisticexpressions.
3.00 Credits
Sustainability Studies is an interdisciplinary field that examines theinterrelated environmental, economic and social problems facinghumans at local, regional and global scales. This course provides an introductory survey of the concepts, principles and tools fromdiverse fields that contribute to understanding and responding toproblems such as climate change, environmental degradation, andunequal distribution of limited resources. The course introducesperspectives from the natural and social sciences, arts andhumanities, and professional disciplines and explores how valuingtheir interconnection increases the prospects for achieving a moresustainable future. Specific topics to be explored may include:quantitative systems thinking and analysis, principles of ecology,consumption patterns of energy and natural resources, the role ofmedia in sustainability literacy, cultural sustainability, environmentalpolitics, social justice, sustainable architecture and engineering, andthe roles of the arts.
3.00 Credits
Prerequisite: SUST 101; MATH 117 or higher or consent of instructorThis course focuses on understanding and applying various quantitativeand qualitative research methodologies to issues within sustainabilitystudies such as life-cycle analysis, analytical induction, andoptimization. The goal of the course is for students to develop analyticalskills to guide decisions that lead to more sustainable outcomes ina variety of systems. During the semester, students will be givenopportunities to work with others in different disciplines to understandthe interdisciplinary aspects related to technical, social, environmental,and economical issues in sustainability.
3.00 Credits
Prerequisite: SUST 101; SUST 301 or consent of instructorThis course is the capstone in the SUST sequence for the sustainabilitystudies minor. During the first portion of the class, students willcritically analyze a system or process which purports to be sustainablefrom environmental, economic and social science perspectives. Thesecond half of the course focuses on working in groups to identify andpropose interdisciplinary solutions to issues related to sustainability.
3.00 Credits
Prerequisite: SUST 101An advanced interdisciplinary course focused on a topic related tosustainability studies.
3.00 Credits
Fulfills a requirement in the Theatre Core ConcentrationThe course focuses on elements which form the basis for the artand craft of acting. Its emphasis is on the actor's instrument: body,voice, intellect and emotion and the resources needed in creatinga role. These are explored through a series of acting exercisesinvolving concentration, energy, sensory awareness, rhythm andimagination. The class includes discussions of theory and practice,and an introduction to physical and vocal warm-ups and scenework.
3.00 Credits
Fulfills a requirement in the Theatre Core ConcentrationA study of scenery and costume design for the theatre. The coursewill include discussions of design elements and an introduction tothe practical skills of rendering, drafting, and scenic and costumeconstruction.
3.00 Credits
Fulfills a requirement in the Theatre Core ConcentrationThis course is a study of lighting design, sound design, and stagemanagement. The course will include discussion of design elementsand an introduction to the practical skills of drafting, electricity,applied optics, and the use of sound and sound equipment. Inaddition, there will be a study of stage management techniques andresponsibilities.
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