Course Criteria
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1.00 - 4.00 Credits
5870C. Indep St Transition. Individual work under special education staff guidance; curriculum development or special education areas; individual problems in community agencies or school. Prereq.: Admission to upper-division COE status. 1-4 s.h.
1.00 - 4.00 Credits
5870D. Indep St Collaboration. Individual work under special education staff guidance; curriculum development or special education areas; individual problems in community agencies or school. Prereq.: Admission to upper-division COE status. 1-4 s.h.
3.00 Credits
5871. Characteristics and Needs of Gifted Children. Introduction to gifted education. Overview of the theoretical and research base for gifted education, including appropriate classroom environments, teacher qualifications, and support services to meet the diverse social, emotional, and intellectual needs of gifted children. Current program standards. Prereq.: Admission to COE upper-division status. 3 s.h.
3.00 Credits
5872. Assessment and Referral for Children and Youth with Exceptionalities for the Intervention Specialist. Development of skills in referral and assessment techniques for the special educator in the areas of moderate/intensive disabilities. Emphasis will be given to informal and formal methods such as observation, authentic assessment, alternate assessment, rubrics, inventories, interviewing, task analysis, functional behavioral analysis, curriculum based measurement, DIBELS/SWIS, and formal standardized measures. Prereq.: Admission to TELS Upper Division Status. 3 s.h.
3.00 Credits
5873. Communication and Literacy Skills for Learners with Significant Disabilities. This course focuses on enhancing functional communication and literacy skills of students with severe disabilities. Assessment and strategies to increase communication form, function and literacy are covered. The course addresses aided and non-aided augmentative systems and alternative communication systems with an emphasis on using a multi-modality approach. Prereq.: Admission to TELS Upper Division Status. 3 s.h.
4.00 Credits
5878. Teaching Gifted and Talented Students. Theory and organization of curriculum with design and integration of content subjects into varying models. Wide range of strategies and identification of resources and materials as well as investigations in educational technology and appropriate applications for gifted children. Prereq.: Upper division status in COE; SPED 5871 and permission of instructor. 4 s.h.
2.00 Credits
1500. Strong Start Success Seminar. This course helps students establish a solid foundation for success at YSU. Students learn the conventions that govern the academic community including what is expected of them and what they are responsible for, skills needed to successfully manage their academic workload, habits of mind that promote resilience, and how to understand and use degree planning tools. Students are also given opportunities to participate in a range of co-curricular activities to enrich their experience, encourage their curiosity, and promote their active engagement in all YSU has to offer. 2 s.h.
3.00 Credits
2601. Introductory Statistics. Designed for students from different disciplines who desire an introduction to statistical reasoning. Topics include collecting and summarizing data, concepts of randomness and sampling, statistical inference and reasoning, correlation and regression. Credit will not be given for both STAT 2601 and STAT 2625. Prereq.: "C" or better in MATH 1552 or Level 35 or higher on YSU Mathematics Placement Test. 3 s.h.
4.00 Credits
2625. Statistical Literacy and Critical Reasoning. An introduction to statistics and its applications. Topics include descriptive statistics, experimental design, probability sampling distribution, statistical inference, correlation and regression. Emphasis on applications, critical reasoning, and data analysis using statistical software. Credit will not be given for both STAT 2601 and STAT 2625. Prereq.: At least Mathematics Placement Level 15. 4 s.h.
6.00 Credits
2625C. Statistical Literacy and Critical Reasoning with Co-Requisite. An introduction to statistics and its applications. Topics include descriptive statistics, experimental design, probability, sampling distribution, statistical inference, correlation and regression. Emphases are on applications, critical reasoning, and data analysis using statistical software. Includes co-requisite support for basic algebra skills required to be successful in the course. Prereq.: YSU Mathematics Placement Level 10. 6 s.h.
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