Course Criteria
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2.00 Credits
The selection, application, and use of strain gages and strain gage rosettes. Transformation of stress and strain. Advanced mechanics of materials topics with empirical verification of theoretical predictions. Prerequisite(s): MCT 221.
1.00 Credits
Installation of strain gauge rosettes. Experiments to determine the state of strain and stress in structures using strain gauges, photoelasticity, and brittle coatings. Vibration measurement using strain gauges, accelerometers, and motion transducers. Written and oral reports.
3.00 Credits
Introduction to the fundamentals of structural finite element modeling. Geometry creation, element types, material specification, problem solution and results postprocessing. A focus is placed on modeling techniques using commercially available software. Prerequisite(s): MCT 221; SET 153L.
3.00 Credits
Bringing together analytical and graphical techniques from previous courses to accomplish the design of a complete mechanism, machine, or mechanical system. Conceptual, preliminary, and final design. Prototyping and evaluation of an original team project. Written and oral reports. Prerequisite(s): CMM 110, (CMM 111 or 112); IET 323; MCT 317, 330; MTH 138; senior status.
3.00 Credits
Course description is currently unavailable.
3.00 Credits
First of two courses leading to the selection, design, investigation, and completion of an independent, original Honors Thesis project under the guidance of a faculty research advisor. Restricted to students in the University Honors Program with permissio
3.00 Credits
Second of two courses leading to the selection, design, investigation, and completion of an independent, original Honors Thesis project under the guidance of a faculty research advisor. Restricted to students in the University Honors Program with permissi
1.00 Credits
Weekly meeting of first-semester, first-year mechanical engineering students. Orientation to engineering problem solving and team building through hands on applications.
1.00 Credits
Fundamentals of engineering graphics and the part that graphical communication plays in engineering. Introduction to computer aided design (CAD).
6.00 Credits
Students participate in (1) selection and design, (2) investigation and data collection, (3) analysis, and (4) presentation of a research project. Research can include, but is not limited to, developing an experiment, collecting and analyzing data, surveying and evaluating literature, developing new tools and techniques including software, and surveying, brainstorming, and evaluating engineering solutions and engineering designs. Proposals from teams of students will be considered.
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