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3.00 Credits
Analytical design techniques used to evaluate machine elements; stress analysis, working stress, failure theories, fatigue failure; design methods for spur gears, shafts, keys and couplings, roller and journal bearings, and springs. Original design project. Prerequisite(s): MCT 110L, 221; SET 153L.
3.00 Credits
Study of hydraulic and pneumatic fluid power components and systems used in industrial, mobile, and aerospace applications; standard symbols in circuit design; circuit analysis; specification for pumps, valves, cylinders, and circuits; hydraulic fluids; filtration; electric motors; system efficiencies; proportional control and electrohydraulic servo control systems; seals; fluid conductors; pneumatic components and systems. Library research project. Prerequisite(s): MCT 221. Corequisite(s): MCT 336L.
1.00 Credits
To accompany MCT 336. Evaluation of fluid power components: pressure, flow, RPM, sound level, current, voltage, power, torque, and time. Graphical design, computational analysis, assembly, and testing of typical circuits and systems. Testing of hydraulic fluids for viscosity, pour point, flash and fire point, specific gravity. Three hours of laboratory a week.
3.00 Credits
Energy analysis of engineering systems using the concepts and laws of thermodynamics. The principle of the mechanical equivalent of heat, behavior of pure substances, use of thermodynamic property tables, and study of gas mixtures. Application of the Carnot cycle to both heat engines and reversed heat engines. Prerequisite(s): MCT 231; MTH 138; SET 153L.
4.00 Credits
Investigations and discussion of cur-rent technical topics in mechanical engineering technology. Research report. May be taken more than once. Prerequisite(s): Permission of department chairperson.
3.00 Credits
Synthesis of mechanical devices and systems. Emphasis on the integration of various machine elements into a single unit. Activities include design, scheduling, budgeting, purchasing, fabrication, assembly and performance testing of an original team project. Prerequisite(s): MCT 330.
3.00 Credits
Energy efficiency; pressure drop determinations, variable volume pressure-compensated pumps, accumulators, proportional and electrohydraulic valves, cylinder design, hydraulic motor selection; circuit design, open and closed loop systems, power unit design; sizing of electric motors; use of industrial data and National Fluid Power Assn.-JIC design standards. Individual design project. Prerequisite(s): MCT 336.
3.00 Credits
Applications of the principles of thermodynamic cycles. Analysis of energy transfer systems such as internal combustion and gas turbine engines. Power generation through steam cycles including reheat and regenerative cycles. Reversed heat engine cycles and vapor compression cycles used in heating and cooling. Prerequisite(s): MCT 342; SET 153L.
3.00 Credits
The principles of conduction, convection, and thermal radiation energy transfer. Conduction through series and parallel walls, pipes, and containers. Forced and free convection through films, thermal radiation of energy between surfaces, and the overall transfer of heat. Prerequisite(s): MCT 231; SET 153L.
3.00 Credits
Free and forced vibration of single degree of freedom systems with and without damping. Industrial applications including reciprocating and rotating machinery, balancing, isolation, and noise reduction. Demonstrations of vibration sensors and instrumentation. Prerequisite(s): MCT 317; SET 153L.
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