Course Criteria
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1.00 - 6.00 Credits
Individual research in subjects encompassed by the MBA curriculum under the guidance and direction of a faculty member. Research may be undertaken on completion of 12 hours of post-foundation coursework. A formal proposal must be completed and approved by
3.00 Credits
First of a two-course set of capstone integrative experiences which explores the process of creating, sustaining, and growing successful businesses in an era of change. The course deals with strategic decision making and stakeholder management related to
3.00 Credits
Second of the two-course set of capstone integrative experiences that explores the process of creating, sustaining, and growing successful businesses in an era of change. Students work in teams to analyze the strategic environment of a firm and develop a
2.00 Credits
Technical sketching and shape description, orthographic projection theory, multi-view drawings, necessary views, sectional views, working and shop drawings, dimensioning practices, tolerancing, thread and fastener representation and nomenclature, assembly and detail drawings. Six hours of laboratory a week using instruments and commercial computer-aided design (CAD) software.
2.00 Credits
Advanced topics of Computer Aided Design using three-dimensional, parametric, solid modeling software. Laboratory assignments involving the CAD software are completed through a series of individual and team design projects. Introduction to design requirements, conceptualization, and design decisions. Computer drafting topics such as ANSIY 14.5M-1994 geometric dimensioning and tolerancing standards, weld symbols, machining and surface finish symbols. Blueprint reading. Prerequisite(s): MCT 110L.
3.00 Credits
Study of forces on bodies at rest and in motion using Newton?s three laws of motion. Vectors, force systems, components, reactions, resultants, free body diagrams, equilibrium, centroids, moment of inertia, kinetics, and kinematics. Prerequisite(s): SET 153L. Corequisite(s): MTH 137.
3.00 Credits
Analysis and design of load-carrying members, considering stress, strain, and deflection. Study of direct tension, compression, and shear; torsion; shear and moment diagrams; bending; combined stress; analysis of columns; pressure vessels. Prerequisite(s): MCT 220; MFG 204, 204L; MTH 137; SET 153L.
3.00 Credits
Fluid properties, fluid statics including manometry, submerged surfaces, buoyancy and stability of floating bodies. The principles of fluid flow including Bernoulli's and energy equations, energy losses, and pump power. Analysis and design of pipe line systems and open channels; pump selection. Prerequisite(s): MTH 137; SET 153L.
3.00 Credits
Design and analysis of linkages and cams. Graphical solutions to kinematics problems including the concepts of instantaneous motion and relative motion. Development and analysis of motion diagrams. Study of geometric features of gears and gear transmission systems. Prerequisite(s): MCT 110L, 220; MTH 137; SET 153L.
3.00 Credits
Principles of applied engineering mechanics as they relate to machines; static force analysis in both 2 and 3 dimensional systems, kinetics of machine components by the methods of force-mass-acceleration, work-energy, and impulse-momentum; machine balancing; introduction to mechanical vibrations. Prerequisite(s): MCT 313; MTH 138.
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