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3.00 Credits
A study of investment principles and techniques used by both individual and institutional investors. Topics include bond and stock markets, security valuation methods, portfolio theory and management, and investment institutions.
3.00 Credits
Integrates the international monetary environment with the multinational business firm and its operations. Analyzes the balance of international payments and exchange rate determination. Specific international financial management topics include export-im
3.00 Credits
This course studies management issues related to depositories, insurance companies, mutual funds, investment advisors, and investment banks. It includes a review of the financial system, regulatory bodies, financial instruments, and interest rates.
3.00 Credits
This class will expose students to a variety of fixed income instruments that are traded in the financial markets, their investment characteristics, the state-of-art technology for valuing them, technique for quantifying their interest rate risk, and port
3.00 Credits
In-depth application of financial principles to selected areas. Topics vary. Emphasis may be on working capital management, capital budgeting, applied portfolio management, mergers and acquisitions, corporate restructuring, or selected topics.
3.00 Credits
Course description is currently unavailable.
3.00 Credits
Course description is currently unavailable.
1.50 Credits
Fundamentals of marketing, including macro and micro concepts that affect marketing management. An introduction to marketing terminology, definitions, theories, concepts, and practices. Emphasis on decision variables used by marketing managers, both at th
3.00 Credits
The course is designed to focus on marketing opportunities, challenges, methods, strategies, and other aspects of marketing that are unique to services oriented businesses. The course emphasizes the environmental approach to services marketing. The stud
3.00 Credits
A study of the basic principles and practices of sales management. Rather than viewing sales management as containing separate functions and activities, (such as staffing, training, motivation), this course views them as having systemic relationships wit
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