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3.00 Credits
An introduction to the mathematical theory of knots and links, with emphasis on the modern combinatorial methods. Reidemeister moves on link projections, ambient and regular isotopies, linking number tricolorability, rational tangles, braids, torus knots, seifert surfaces and genus, the knot polynomials (bracket, X, Jones, Alexander, HOMFLY), crossing numbers of alternating knots and amphicheirality. Connections to theoretical physics, molecular biology, and other scientific applications will be pursued in term projects, as appropriate to the background and interests of the students. Prereq: MATH 223 or MATH 227.
3.00 Credits
Building on the material in Biology 300, this course focuses on the mathematical tools used to construct and analyze biological models, with examples drawn largely from ecology but also from epidemiology, developmental biology, and other areas. Analytic "paper and pencil" techniques are emphasized, but we will also use computers to help develop intuition. By the end of the course, students should be able to recognize basic building blocks in biological models, be able to perform simple analysis, and be more fluent in translating between verbal and mathematical descriptions. Offered as BIOL 306 and MATH 376. Prereq: BIOL 300 or MATH 224 or consent of instructor.
3.00 Credits
Computer simulations and mathematical analysis of neurons and neural circuits, and the computational properties of nervous systems. Students are taught a range of models for neurons and neural circuits, and are asked to implement and explore the computational and dynamic properties of these models. The course introduces students to dynamical systems theory for the analysis of neurons and neural learning, models of brain systems, and their relationship to artificial and neural networks. Term project required. Students enrolled in MATH 478 will make arrangements with the instructor to attend additional lectures and complete additional assignments addressing mathematical topics related to the course. Recommended preparation: MATH 223 and MATH 224 or BIOL 300 and BIOL 306. Offered as BIOL 378, COGS 378, MATH 378, BIOL 478, EBME 478, EECS 478, MATH 478 and NEUR 478.
3.00 Credits
Combinatorial analysis. Permutations and combinations. Axioms of probability. Sample space and events. Equally likely outcomes. Conditional probability. Bayes' formula. Independent events and trials. Discrete random variables, probability mass functions. Expected value, variance. Bernoulli, binomial, Poisson, geometric, negative binomial random variables. Continuous random variables, density functions. Expected value and variance. Uniform, normal, exponential, Gamma random variables. The De Moivre-Laplace limit theorem. Joint probability mass functions and densities. Independent random variables and the distribution of their sums. Covariance. Conditional expectations and distributions (discrete case). Moment generating functions. Law of large numbers. Central limit theorem. Additional topics (time permitting): the Poisson process, finite state space Markov chains, entropy. Prereq: MATH 223 or MATH 227.
3.00 Credits
This course is intended as an introduction to information and coding theory with emphasis on the mathematical aspects. It is suitable for advanced undergraduate and graduate students in mathematics, applied mathematics, statistics, physics, computer science and electrical engineering. Course content: Information measures-entropy, relative entropy, mutual information, and their properties. Typical sets and sequences, asymptotic equipartition property, data compression. Channel coding and capacity: channel coding theorem. Differential entropy, Gaussian channel, Shannon-Nyquist theorem. Information theory inequalities (400 level). Additional topics, which may include compressed sensing and elements of quantum information theory. Recommended Preparation: MATH 201 or MATH 307. Offered as MATH 394, EECS 394, MATH 494 and EECS 494. Prereq: MATH 223 and MATH 380 or requisites not met permission.
1.00 Credits
Practicum for teaching college mathematics. Includes preparation of syllabi, exams, lectures. Grading, alternative teaching styles, use of technology, interpersonal relations and motivation. Handling common problems and conflicts.
3.00 Credits
Basic properties of groups, rings, modules and fields. Isomorphism theorems for groups; Sylow theorem; nilpotency and solvability of groups; Jordan-Holder theorem; Gauss lemma and Eisenstein's criterion; finitely generated modules over principal ideal domains with applications to abelian groups and canonical forms for matrices; categories and functors; tensor product of modules, bilinear and quadratic forms; field extensions; fundamental theorem of Galois theory, solving equations by radicals. Prereq: MATH 308.
3.00 Credits
A continuation of MATH 401. Prereq: MATH 401.
3.00 Credits
An advanced course in linear algebra and matrix theory. Topics include variational characterizations of eigenvalues of Hermitian matrices, matrix and vector norms, characterizations of positive definite matrices, singular value decomposition and applications, perturbation of eigenvalues. This course is more theoretical than MATH 431, which emphasizes computational aspects of linear algebra Prereq: MATH 307.
3.00 Credits
Propositional calculus and quantification theory; consistency and completeness theorems; Gödel incompleteness results and their philosophical significance; introduction to basic concepts of model theory; problems of formulation of arguments in philosophy and the sciences. Offered as PHIL 306, MATH 406 and PHIL 406.
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