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3.00 Credits
The theme of this course will be the interplay between geometry and complex analysis, algebra and other fields of mathematics. An effort will be made to highlight significant, unexpected connections between major fields, illustrating the unity of mathematics. The choice of text(s) and syllabus itself will be flexible, to be adapted to the range of interests and backgrounds of pre-enrolled students. Possible topics include: the Mobius group and its subgroups, hyperbolic geometry, elliptic functions, Riemann surfaces, applications of conformal mapping, and potential theory in classical physical models. Offered as MATH 326 and MATH 426. Prereq: MATH 324.
3.00 Credits
Introduction to the theory of convex sets and functions and to the extremes in problems in areas of mathematics where convexity plays a role. Among the topics discussed are basic properties of convex sets (extreme points, facial structure of polytopes), separation theorems, duality and polars, properties of convex functions, minima and maxima of convex functions over convex set, various optimization problems. Offered as MATH 327, MATH 427, and OPRE 427. Prereq: MATH 223 or MATH 227.
3.00 Credits
An introductory survey to Scientific Computing from principles to applications. Topics which will be covered in the course include: solution of linear systems and least squares, approximation and interpolation, solution of nonlinear systems, numerical integration and differentiation, and numerical solution of differential equations. Projects where the numerical methods are used to solve problems from various application areas will be assigned throughout the semester. Prereq or Coreq: MATH 224 or MATH 228.
3.00 Credits
This course is intended for upper level undergraduate students in Mathematics, Cognitive Science, Biomedical Engineering, Biology or Neuroscience who have an interest in quantitative investigation of the brain and its functions. Students will be introduced to a variety of mathematical techniques needed to model and simulate different brain functions, and to analyze the results of the simulations and of available measured data. The mathematical exposition will be followed--when appropriate--by the corresponding implementation in Matlab. The course will cover some basic topics in the mathematical aspects of differential equations, electromagnetism, Inverse problems and imaging related to brain functions. Validation and falsification of the mathematical models in the light of available experimental data will be addressed. This course will be a first step towards organizing the different brain investigative modalities within a unified mathematical framework. A final presentation and written report are part of the course requirements. Prereq: MATH 224 or MATH 228.
3.00 Credits
Nonlinear discrete dynamical systems in one and two dimensions. Chaotic dynamics, elementary bifurcation theory, hyperbolicity, symbolic dynamics, structural stability, stable manifold theory. Prereq: MATH 223 or MATH 227.
1.00 Credits
The purpose of this seminar is to introduce students to some of the research being done at Case that explores questions at the intersection of mathematics and biology. Students will explore roughly five research collaborations, spending two weeks with each research group. In the first three classes of each two-week block, students will read and discuss relevant papers, guided by members of that research group, and the two-week period will culminate in a talk in which a member of the research group will present a potential undergraduate project in that area. After the final group's talk, students will divide themselves into groups of two to four people and choose one project for further exploration. Together, they will write up this project as a research proposal, introducing the problem, explaining how it connects to broader scientific questions, and outlining the proposed work. It is expected that students will use the associated research group as a resource, but the proposal should be their own work. Students will submit a first draft, receive feedback, and then submit a revised draft. Offered as BIOL 309 and MATH 342.
3.00 Credits
Introduction to mathematical logic, different classes of automata and their correspondence to different classes of formal languages, recursive functions and computability, assertions and program verification, denotational semantics. MATH/EECS 343 and MATH 410 cannot both be taken for credit. Offered as EECS 343 and MATH 343. Prereq: MATH 304 and EECS 340.
2.00 Credits
A two-semester course (2 credits per semester) in the joint B.S. in Mathematics and Physics program. Project based on numerical and/or theoretical research under the supervision of a mathematics faculty member, possibly jointly with a faculty member from physics. Study of the techniques utilized in a specific research area and of recent literature associated with the project. Work leading to meaningful results which are to be presented as a term paper and an oral report at the end of the second semester. Supervising faculty will review progress with the student on a regular basis, including detailed progress reports made twice each semester, to ensure successful completion of the work.
3.00 Credits
Mathematics Senior Project. Students pursue a project based on experimental, theoretical or teaching research under the supervision of a mathematics faculty member, a faculty member from another Case department or a research scientist or engineer from another institution. A departmental Senior Project Coordinator must approve all project proposals and this same person will receive regular oral and written progress reports. Final results are presented at the end of the second semester as a paper in a style suitable for publication in a professional journal as well as an oral report in a public Mathematics Capstone symposium.
3.00 Credits
An introduction to the various two-dimensional geometries, including Euclidean, spherical, hyperbolic, projective, and affine. The course will examine the axiomatic basis of geometry, with an emphasis on transformations. Topics include the parallel postulate and its alternatives, isometrics and transformation groups, tilings, the hyperbolic plane and its models, spherical geometry, affine and projective transformations, and other topics. We will examine the role of complex and hypercomplex numbers in the algebraic representation of transformations. The course is self-contained. Prereq: MATH 224.
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