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3.00 Credits
A seminar devoted to understanding the formulation and solution of mathematical problems. SAGES Department Seminar. Students will investigate, from different possible viewpoints, via case studies, how mathematics advances as a discipline--what mathematicians do. The course will largely be in a seminar format. There will be two assignments involving writing in the style of the discipline. Enrollment by permission (limited to majors depending on demand).
3.00 Credits
Primes and divisibility, theory of congruencies, and number theoretic functions. Diophantine equations, quadratic residue theory, and other topics determined by student interest. Emphasis on problem solving (formulating conjectures and justifying them). Prereq: MATH 122 or MATH 124.
3.00 Credits
A general introduction to basic mathematical terminology and the techniques of abstract mathematics in the context of discrete mathematics. Topics introduced are mathematical reasoning, Boolean connectives, deduction, mathematical induction, sets, functions and relations, algorithms, graphs, combinatorial reasoning. Offered as EECS 302 and MATH 304. Prereq: MATH 122, MATH 124 or MATH 126.
3.00 Credits
A course on the theory and practice of writing, and reading mathematics. Main topics are logic and the language of mathematics, proof techniques, set theory, and functions. Additional topics may include introductions to number theory, group theory, topology, or other areas of advanced mathematics. Prereq: MATH 122, MATH 124 or MATH 126.
3.00 Credits
First semester of an integrated, two-semester theoretical course in abstract and linear algebra, studied on an axiomatic basis. The major algebraic structures studied are groups, rings, fields, modules, vector spaces, and inner product spaces. Topics include homomorphisms and quotient structures, the theory of polynomials, canonical forms for linear transformations and the principal axis theorem. This course is required of all students majoring in mathematics. Only one of MATH 201 or MATH 307 may be taken for credit. Prereq: MATH 122 or MATH 124.
3.00 Credits
Continuation of MATH 307. Prereq: MATH 307.
3.00 Credits
Applications of probability and stochastic processes to biological systems. Mathematical topics will include: introduction to discrete and continuous probability spaces (including numerical generation of pseudo random samples from specified probability distributions), Markov processes in discrete and continuous time with discrete and continuous sample spaces, point processes including homogeneous and inhomogeneous Poisson processes and Markov chains on graphs, and diffusion processes including Brownian motion and the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process. Biological topics will be determined by the interests of the students and the instructor. Likely topics include: stochastic ion channels, molecular motors and stochastic ratchets, actin and tubulin polymerization, random walk models for neural spike trains, bacterial chemotaxis, signaling and genetic regulatory networks, and stochastic predator-prey dynamics. The emphasis will be on practical simulation and analysis of stochastic phenomena in biological systems. Numerical methods will be developed using both MATLAB and the R statistical package. Student projects will comprise a major part of the course. Offered as BIOL 319, EECS 319, MATH 319, BIOL 419, EBME 419, and PHOL 419. Prereq: MATH 224 or MATH 223 and BIOL 300 or BIOL 306 and MATH 201 or MATH 307 or consent of instructor.
3.00 Credits
Abstract mathematical reasoning in the context of analysis in Euclidean space. Introduction to formal reasoning, sets and functions, and the number systems. Sequences and series; Cauchy sequences and convergence. Required for all mathematics majors. Additional work required for graduate students. (May not be taken for graduate credit by graduate students in the Department of Mathematics.) Offered as MATH 321 and MATH 421. Prereq: MATH 223 or MATH 227.
3.00 Credits
Continuation of MATH 321. Point-set topology in metric spaces with attention to n-dimensional space; completeness, compactness, connectedness, and continuity of functions. Topics in sequences, series of functions, uniform convergence, Fourier series and polynomial approximation. Theoretical development of differentiation and Riemann integration. Required for all mathematics majors. Additional work required for graduate students. (May not be taken for graduate credit by graduate students in the Department of Mathematics.) Offered as MATH 322 and MATH 422. Prereq: MATH 321.
3.00 Credits
Properties, singularities, and representations of analytic functions, complex integration. Cauchy's theorems, series residues, conformal mapping and analytic continuation. Riemann surfaces. Relevance to the theory of physical problems. Prereq: MATH 224 or MATH 228.
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