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3.00 Credits
Aspects of American literature and its contexts from the colonial period through the end of the Civil War. Writers such as Bradstreet, Taylor, Franklin, Poe, Stowe, Alcott, Melville, Hawthorne, Emerson, Douglass. Maximum 6 credits. Offered as ENGL 356 and ENGL 456. Prereq: Graduate standing.
3.00 Credits
Aspects of American literature and its contexts from the Civil War to the First World War. Writers such as Whitman and Dickinson, Twain, Howells, James, Chopin, Wharton. Maximum 6 credits. Offered as ENGL 357 and ENGL 457. Prereq: Graduate standing.
3.00 Credits
Aspects of American literature and its contexts from the First World War to the Cold War. Genres studied might include fiction, poetry, drama, polemics. Writers such as T.S. Eliot, Pound, Stevens, Moore, W.C. Williams, Dos Passos, West, Fitzgerald, Hemingway, Cather, Faulkner, Barnes, Miller, T. Williams, O'Neill. Maximum 6 credits. Offered as ENGL 358 and ENGL 458. Prereq: Graduate standing.
3.00 Credits
Individual topics in literary culture since the 1960s. Topics may include the Beats, literature of the Vietnam war, post-modern fiction, contemporary poetry, the documentary novel. Maximum 6 credits. Offered as ENGL 359 and ENGL 459. Prereq: Graduate standing.
3.00 Credits
Individual topics in American literary culture such as regionalism, realism, impressionism, literature and popular culture, transcendentalism, the lyric, proletarian literature, the legacy of the Civil War. Maximum 6 credits. Offered as ENGL 360 and ENGL 460. Prereq: Graduate standing or permission of instructor.
3.00 Credits
A historical approach to African-American literature. Such writers as Wheatley, Equiano, Douglass, Jacobs, DuBois, Hurston, Hughes, Wright, Baldwin, Ellison, Morrison. Topics covered may include slave narratives, African-American autobiography, the Harlem Renaissance, the Black Aesthetic, literature of protest and assimilation. Maximum 6 credits. Offered as ENGL 363H, ETHS 363H, WLIT 363H, ENGL 463H, and WLIT 463H. Prereq: Graduate standing.
3.00 Credits
Study of fictional and/or autobiographical narrative by authors whose families have experienced immigration to the U.S. Among the ethnic groups represented are Asian-American, Jewish-American, Hispanic-American. May include several ethnic groups or focus on a single one. Attention is paid to historical and social aspects of immigration and ethnicity. Maximum 6 credits. Offered as ENGL 365E, WLIT 365E, ENGL 465E, and WLIT 465E. Prereq: Graduate standing.
3.00 Credits
Selected topics and writers from nineteenth, twentieth, and twenty-first century African-American literature. May focus on a genre, a single author or a group of authors, a theme or themes. Maximum 6 credits. Offered as ENGL 365N, ETHS 365N, WLIT 365N, ENGL 465N, and WLIT 465N. Prereq: Graduate standing.
3.00 Credits
Readings in national and regional literatures from former European colonies such as Australia and African countries. Maximum 6 credits. . Offered as ENGL 365Q, ETHS 365Q, WLIT 365Q, ENGL 465Q, and WLIT 465Q. Prereq: Graduate standing.
3.00 Credits
An introduction to the aesthetics of film form. We will analyze the elements that make up a film, screening films that facilitate our discussion of how these elements interact with one another to constitute whole formal systems that generate meanings and other effects. We will bring various theoretical and historical considerations to bear as we explore and appreciate the art of cinema. Offered as ENGL 367 and ENGL 467. Prereq: Graduate standing.