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3.00 Credits
Orientation and configuration coordinate transformations, forward and inverse kinematics and Newton-Euler and Lagrange-Euler dynamic analysis. Planning of manipulator trajectories. Force, position, and hybrid control of robot manipulators. Analytical techniques applied to select industrial robots. Recommended preparation: EMAE 181. Offered as EECS 489 and EMAE 489.
0.00 Credits
This course will engage the Ph.D. candidate in a variety of teaching experiences that will include direct contact (for example, teaching, recitations and laboratories, guest lectures, office hours) as well non-contact preparation (exams, quizzes, demonstration) and grading activities. The teaching experience will be conducted under the supervision of the faculty member(s) responsible for coordinating student teaching activities. All Ph.D. candidates enrolled in this course sequence will be expected to perform direct contact teaching at some point in the sequence. Recommended preparation: Ph.D. student in Mechanical Engineering.
3.00 Credits
Using variational approach, comprehensive development of principle of virtual work, Hamilton's principle and Lagrange equations for holonomic and non-holonomic systems. Hamilton's equations of motion, canonical transformations, Hamilton-Jacobi theory and special theory of relativity in classical mechanics. Modern dynamic system formulations.
3.00 Credits
Nonlinear oscillations; including equations of Duffings, van der Pol, Hill, and Mathieu; and perturbation solution approaches. Bifurcation and jump phenomena, strange attractors, chaos. Poincare maps and related engineering applications.
3.00 Credits
Mathematics and physics of turbulence. Statistical (isotropic, homogeneous turbulence) theories; success and limitations. Experimental and observational (films) evidence. Macrostructures and microturbulence. Other theoretical approaches. Recommended preparation: EMAE 454.
3.00 Credits
Fundamental law, initial and boundary conditions, basic equations for isotropic and anisotropic media, related physical problems, steady and transient temperature distributions in solid structures. Analytical, graphical, numerical, and experimental methods for constant and variable material properties. Recommended preparation: Consent of instructor.
3.00 Credits
Finite difference, finite element, and spectral techniques for numerical solutions of partial differential equations. Explicit and implicit methods for elliptic, parabolic, hyperbolic, and mixed equations. Unsteady incompressible flow equations in primitive and vorticity/stream function formulations. Steady and unsteady transport (passive scalar) equations.
0.00 Credits
This course will engage the Ph.D. candidate in a variety of teaching experiences that will include direct (for example, teaching recitations and laboratories, guest lectures, office hours) as well non-contact preparation (exams, quizzes, demonstrations) and grading activities. The teaching experience will be conducted under the supervision of the faculty member(s) responsible for coordinating student teaching activities. All Ph.D. candidates enrolled in this course sequence will be expected to perform direct contact teaching at some point in the sequence. Recommended preparation: Ph.D. student in Mechanical Engineering.
1.00 - 18.00 Credits
No course description available.
1.00 - 18.00 Credits
No course description available.
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