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  • 3.00 Credits

    This course covers advanced topics in Artificial Intelligence. Topics include representing knowledge using directed and undirected probabilistic graphical models, associated exact and approximate inference algorithms, statistical relational learning, advanced topics in reinforcement learning and automated planning. Prereq: EECS 391 or consent.
  • 3.00 Credits

    Digital signal processing (DSP) can be found in numerous applications, such as wireless communications, audio/video compression, cable modems, multimedia, global positioning systems and biomedical signal processing. This course fills the gap between DSP algorithms and their efficient VLSI implementations. The design of a digital system is restricted by the requirements of applications, such as speed, area and power consumption. This course introduces methodologies and tools which can be used to design VLSI architectures with different speed-area tradeoffs for DSP algorithms. In addition, the design of efficient VLSI architectures for commonly used DSP blocks is presented in this class. Recommended preparation: EECS 485.
  • 3.00 Credits

    Topics: Introduction to software engineering; software lifecycle models; development team organization and project management; requirements analysis and specification techniques; software design techniques; programming practices; software validation techniques; software maintenance practices; software engineering ethics. Undergraduates work in teams to complete a significant software development project. Graduate students are required to complete a research project. Recommended preparation for EECS 493: EECS 337. Offered as EECS 393 and EECS 493.
  • 3.00 Credits

    This course is intended as an introduction to information and coding theory with emphasis on the mathematical aspects. It is suitable for advanced undergraduate and graduate students in mathematics, applied mathematics, statistics, physics, computer science and electrical engineering. Course content: Information measures-entropy, relative entropy, mutual information, and their properties. Typical sets and sequences, asymptotic equipartition property, data compression. Channel coding and capacity: channel coding theorem. Differential entropy, Gaussian channel, Shannon-Nyquist theorem. Information theory inequalities (400 level). Additional topics, which may include compressed sensing and elements of quantum information theory. Recommended Preparation: MATH 201 or MATH 307. Offered as MATH 394, EECS 394, MATH 494 and EECS 494.
  • 3.00 Credits

    Semiconductor industry has evolved rapidly over the past four decades to meet the increasing demand on computing power by continuous miniaturization of devices. Now we are in the nanometer technology regime with the device dimensions scaled below 100nm. VLSI design using nanometer technologies involves some major challenges. This course will explain all the major challenges associated with nanoscale VLSI design such as dynamic and leakage power, parameter variations, reliability and robustness. The course will present modeling and analysis techniques for timing, power and noise in nanometer era. Finally, the course will cover the circuit/architecture level design solutions for low power, high-performance, testable and robust VLSI system. The techniques will be applicable to design of microprocessor, digital signal processor (DSP) as well as application specific integrated circuits (ASIC). The course includes a project which requires the student to work on a nanometer design issue. Recommended preparation: EECS 426 or EECS 485.
  • 0.00 Credits

    Seminars on current topics in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science.
  • 0.00 Credits

    This course will provide the Ph.D. candidate with experience in teaching undergraduate or graduate students. The experience is expected to involve direct student contact but will be based upon the specific departmental needs and teaching obligations. This teaching experience will be conducted under the supervision of the faculty member who is responsible for the course, but the academic advisor will assess the educational plan to ensure that it provides an educational experience for the student. Students in this course may be expected to perform one or more of the following teaching related activities: grading homeworks, quizzes, and exams, having office hours for students, running recitation sessions, providing laboratory assistance. Recommended preparation: Ph.D. student in EECS department.
  • 3.00 Credits

    Concepts and techniques for dealing with large optimization problems encountered in designing large engineering structure, control of interconnected systems, pattern recognition, and planning and operations of complex systems; partitioning, relaxation, restriction, decomposition, approximation, and other problem simplification devices; specific algorithms; potential use of parallel and symbolic computation; student seminars and projects. Recommended preparation: EECS 416.
  • 3.00 Credits

    Mathematical preliminaries: differential equations and dynamical systems, differential geometry and manifolds. Dynamical systems and feedback systems, existence and uniqueness of solutions. Complicated dynamics and chaotic systems. Stability of nonlinear systems: input-output methods and Lyapunov stability. Control of nonlinear systems: gain scheduling, nonlinear regulator theory and feedback linearization. Recommended preparation: EECS 408.
  • 3.00 Credits

    One of the most important problems in modern control theory is that of controlling the output of a system so as to achieve asymptotic tracking of prescribed signals and/or asymptotic rejection of undesired disturbances. The problem can be solved by the so-called regulator theory and H-infinity control theory. This course presents a self-contained introduction to these two important design methods. The intention of this course is to present ideas and methods on such a level that the beginning graduate student will be able to follow current research. Both linear and nonlinear results will be covered. Recommended preparation: EECS 408.
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