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3.00 Credits
Maxwell's equations, macroscopic versus microscopic fields, field interaction with materials in terms of polarization vectors P and M. Laplace's and Poisson's equations and solutions, scalar and vector potentials. Wave propagation in various types of media such as anisotropic and gyrotropic media. Phase and group velocities, signal velocity and dispersion. Boundary value problems associated with wave-guide and cavities. Wave solutions in cylindrical and spherical coordinates. Radiation and antennas.
3.00 Credits
This course will provide an introduction to techniques used for the analysis of nonlinear dynamic systems. Topics will include existence and uniqueness of solutions, phase plane analysis of two dimensional systems including Poincare-Bendixson, describing functions for single-input single-output systems, averaging methods, bifurcation theory, stability, and an introduction to the study of complicated dynamics and chaos. Recommended preparation: Concurrent enrollment in EECS 408.
3.00 Credits
Review of semiconductor technology. Device fabrication processing, material evaluation, oxide passivation, pattern transfer technique, diffusion, ion implantation, metallization, probing, packaging, and testing. Design and fabrication of passive and active semi-conductor devices. Recommended preparation: EECS 322.
3.00 Credits
This course will focus on the development of a working knowledge and skills to recognize, formulate, and solve convex optimization problems that are so prevalent in engineering. Applications in control systems; parameter and state estimation; signal processing; communications and networks; circuit design; data modeling and analysis; data mining including clustering and classification; and combinatorial and global optimization will be highlighted. New reliable and efficient methods, particular those based on interior-point methods and other special methods to solve convex optimization problems will be emphasized. Implementation issues will also be underscored. Recommended preparation: MATH 201 or equivalent.
3.00 Credits
Analysis and design of controllers for discrete-time stochastic systems. Review of probability theory and stochastic properties, input-output analysis of linear stochastic systems, spectral factorization and Weiner filtering, minimum variance control, state-space models of stochastic systems, optimal control and dynamic programming, statistical estimation and filtering, the Kalman-Bucy theory, the linear quadratic Gaussian problem, and the separation theorem. Recommended preparation: EECS 408.
3.00 Credits
Interaction between computer systems hardware and software. Pipeline techniques - instruction pipelines - arithmetic pipelines. Instruction level parallelism. Cache mechanism. I/O structures. Examples taken from existing computer systems.
3.00 Credits
Fundamentals of dynamic optimization with applications to control. Variational treatment of control problems and the Maximum Principle. Structures of optimal systems; regulators, terminal controllers, time-optimal controllers. Sufficient conditions for optimality. Singular controls. Computational aspects. Selected applications. Recommended preparation: EECS 408. Offered as EECS 421 and MATH 434.
3.00 Credits
Advanced physics of semiconductor devices. Review of current transport and semiconductor electronics. Surface and interface properties. P-N junction. Bipolar junction transistors, field effect transistors, solar cells and photonic devices.
3.00 Credits
Introduction to distributed systems; system models; network architecture and protocols; interprocess communication; client-server model; group communication; TCP sockets; remote procedure calls; distributed objects and remote invocation; distributed file systems; file service architecture; name services; directory and discovery services; distributed synchronization and coordination; transactions and concurrency control; security; cryptography; replication; distributed multimedia systems. Recommended preparation: EECS 338.
3.00 Credits
An exploration of emerging nanotechnology research. Lectures and class discussion on 1) nanostructures: superlattices, nanowires, nanotubes, quantum dots, nanoparticles, nanocomposites, proteins, bacteria, DNA; 2) nanoscale physical phenomena: mechanical, electrical, chemical, thermal, biological, optical, magnetic; 3) nanofabrication: bottom up and top down methods; 4) characterization: microscopy, property measurement techniques; 5) devices/applications: electronics, sensors, actuators, biomedical, energy conversion. Topics will cover interdisciplinary aspects of the field. Offered as EECS 424 and EMAE 424.
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