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3.00 Credits
Spring semester, odd years. 3 semester hours. Students experience a multi-disciplinary approach to conservation encompassing genetics to ethics. Discussions emphasize biological diversity, extinction probability theory, reserve design, management, and reintroduction strategies. Written and oral presentations are required. Prerequisite: BIO415.
5.00 Credits
Fall semester. 5 semester hours. Students are provided with an overview of the interactions among biotic and abiotic environments. Topics include climate and vegetation, resource acquisition and allocation, demography, population growth and regulation, sociality, competition, niche theory, predation, and community and ecosystem ecology. Three hours of lecture and one two-hour laboratory session per week. Prerequisites: BIO306 and MAT110 or above.
2.00 Credits
On demand. 2 semester hours. This course requires focused study with a science teacher in an accredited secondary school or other acceptable professional. Hours will be arranged in consultation with the content area professor, the secondary education professor, the student, and the professional mentor. The course provides competence for the delivery and evaluation of planned learning activities. Areas of concentration include active hands-on experiences, reviewing texts for content appropriate to various grade levels, and the use of technology in the classroom. Prerequisites: acceptance in the teacher education program; senior standing required.
1.00 - 15.00 Credits
On demand. 1-15 semester hours. Pass/fail. An internship is arranged between a member of the discipline's faculty and the student. The internship satisfies general education requirements but will not count as part of the minimum number of required credits in the major. Contract required. If an internship is two or more credits, the student will typically be required to write a paper. The contract will specify the minimum length of the paper and the required scholarly sources. Prerequisite: junior or senior standing.
5.00 Credits
Fall semester. 5 semester hours. Biochemistry is a capstone course in the Biology program focusing on the study of the molecules and chemical reactions essential to life. After an introduction to the chemistry and structure of carbohydrates, lipids, and proteins, discussions of enzyme structure and kinetics set the stage for a detailed exploration of metabolism and its regulation. The laboratory component of this course involves a semester-long integrated project that requires independent student work. Three lecture hours plus one laboratory lecture hour per week. Significant time working independently in the laboratory is required. Prerequisites: CHM301 and BIO111. BIO321 and BIO322 are strongly advised.
3.00 Credits
Spring semester, odd years. 3 semester hours. An introduction to the chemistry and structure of nucleotides and nucleic acids is followed by a detailed study of DNA replication and repair, RNA transcription and processing, protein synthesis, and the regulation of these processes. Bioethics, an important and interesting topic, is covered as an extension to the scientific content. This course covers topics in more depth and with a different emphasis than genetics. Prerequisite: CHM301 and either BIO/CHM452 or BIO203.
2.00 - 3.00 Credits
Summer semester, May term. 2-3 semester hours. Students begin to learn how to dissect a human cadaver. Each student chooses or is assigned to a region. By permission of the instructor only. Prerequisites: BIO322.
1.00 Credits
Spring semester. 1 semester hour. Selected topics in biology are explored.
1.00 - 3.00 Credits
On demand. 1-3 semester hours. This course allows a superior student to devise and pursue independent study in an area agreed upon in consultation with, and supervised by, a faculty member. Students should be either a major or minor and have a cumulative GPA of 3.00 or greater. Prerequisite: junior or senior standing.
1.00 Credits
Fall, spring and summer semesters. 1 semester hour. This course is an in-depth study of the systems of the Boeing 737 aircraft, including hydraulics, avionics, electrics, air conditioning, and flight controls. Students work with computer-based training software as used by numerous airlines. This independent study course is conducted and tested much like initial 737 ground training at an airline. Prerequisite: AVS202. Corequisite: AVS318.
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