Course Criteria
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3.00 Credits
A survey of the indigenous arts of North America from pre-contact through the present. Cultures to be covered include Iroquois and Ojibway of the Northeast; Navajo and Pueblo of the Southwest; Kwaguith and Gitsxan of the Northwest Coast; and Inuit from the Arctic. The relationship of art to religion, philosophy, politics, and social life will be explored.
3.00 Credits
A survey of the major achievements in painting, sculpture, and architecture of the continent of Africa, with an emphasis upon the religious and social contexts of the arts. This course satisfies the cultural diversity requirement.
3.00 Credits
A survey of the major achievements in architecture, sculpture, and painting of India, China, Japan and Southeast Asia, with an emphasis on religious, historical, and social context of the arts. This course satisfies the cultural diversity requirement.
3.00 Credits
A survey of the art and architecture of Japan from prehistory to the present. Topics will include sculpture, architecture, pottery, gardens, Japanese prints and paintings in their various forms, i.e. Chinese style, purely Japanese style, narrative scrolls, Zen, and Rimpa.
3.00 Credits
Same as ENGL 1175, HIST 1175, M H L T 1175, PHIL 1175, TH DAN 1175. An interdisciplinary course tied to the semester's offerings at the Blanche Touhill Performing Arts Center as well as other events on campus featuring the visual arts, literature, music, and film. Each semester the course will provide background on the arts in general and will critically examine particular performances and offerings. Special themes for each semester will be selected once the Touhill schedule is in place. Students will be expected to attend 6-8 performances or exhibitions. Can be repeated once for credit.
3.00 Credits
Prerequisite: ART HS 1100. A survey of art in Egypt, the Ancient Near East, Greece, and Rome, beginning in the Neolithic era (8000-4000 BC) and ending with the Barbarian invasions of Italy in the fifth century A.D. The major highlights of architecture and city planning, sculpture, painting, pottery, and the minor arts will be covered.
3.00 Credits
Prerequisite: ART HS 1100. General survey of material culture in the Aegean basin, beginning with the Bronze Age (third millennium BC), and terminating in the late Hellenistic period (second century BC). For the Hellenistic period the course will trace Greek developments and influences outside of the Aegean, for example, in Italy and in Egypt.
3.00 Credits
Prerequisite: ART HS 1100. General survey of material culture in Italy and its dependencies beginning with prehistoric Italy (ninth and eighth centuries B.C.) and terminating in late antiquity (the fifth century A.D.). The course will focus on the regional variants of Roman art in such places as Gaul, Spain, Great Britain, North Africa, and the Greco-Roman East.
3.00 Credits
Prerequisite: ART HS 1100. Survey of the development of Christian imagery during the Late Antique period, the Constantinian epoch, the development of the early Byzantine style during the sixth century, and later innovations in style and subject matter in later Byzantine art until AD 1453.
3.00 Credits
Prerequisite: ART HS 1100. A survey of the art and architecture of the Mediterranean World and northern Europe from late antiquity to the Late Gothic period (300-1300 A.D.). Focus on new styles and subject matter in painting, sculpture, and architecture.
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