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3.00 Credits
Same as MEDIA ST 3150. Prerequisite: ENGL 1100 or equivalent. Study of free-lance and staff-written magazine or newspaper feature articles. Emphasis on relationship between types of publication and article content, research methods, and writing style. Frequent short assignments-journal entries, interviews, library projects, article critiques, and market reports-lead to production of full-length feature articles. May not be taken on the satisfactory/unsatisfactory option. The course counts toward the Certificate in Writing.
3.00 Credits
Prerequisite: ENGL 1100 or equivalent (3-6 hours). Designed to teach students how to write effectively in the sciences. Writing assignments include short reports, proposals and a major project. Students are encouraged to select projects that will reflect work in a science course which may include a research or analytical report, a formal proposal or a procedures/ instructions manual. Emphasis is placed on clarity, conciseness, organization, format, style, and tone. The course will include an introduction to research methods and documentation. Fulfills the university's requirement for a junior-level course in communicative skills, subject to the approval of the student's major department. May not be taken on the satisfactory/ unsatisfactory option.? The course counts toward the Certificate in Writing.
3.00 Credits
Same as MEDIA ST 3180. Prerequisite: ENGL 3140 or equivalent. Theory and practice of reporting news for publication in the print media. Includes one classroom session and one field assignment weekly. Stories must be filed within deadline limits. Writing emphasis is on clarity, conciseness, and accuracy.? The course counts toward the Certificate in Writing.
3.00 Credits
Same as COMM 2228 Prerequisite: ENGL 3140 or equivalent. An introduction to the process of planning, producing, and evaluating written public relations messages. Writing assignments include media releases, letters, memos, position papers, background papers, brochures, and reports and proposals.? The course counts toward the Certificate in Writing.
3.00 Credits
Prerequisite: ENGL 3100 or equivalent; ENGL 2030 or 3030 or consent of instructor; recommended prerequisite: 2330. Advanced workshop in poetry writing. The course counts toward the Certificate in Writing.
3.00 Credits
Prerequisite: ENGL 3100 or equivalent; ENGL 2040 or equivalent or consent of instructor. Advanced workshop in fiction writing.? The course counts toward the Certificate in Writing.
3.00 Credits
Prerequisites: ENGL 3100 or equivalent.? Special topics in writing that are not covered in other 3000-level English courses. Since the topics of ENGL 4160 may change each semester, the course may be repeated for credit if the topics area substantially different and consent of the instructor is given.? The course counts toward the Certificate in Writing.
3.00 Credits
[Same as TCH ED 5850]. Prerequisites: ENGL 3100 or equivalent. Special topics in the practice of and pedagogy of writing designed for in-service teachers. Topics may include writing at specific grade levels, writing/reading workshops, writing in urban settings, writing across the curriculum, action research, new technology, classroom and district-level assessment. May be repeated once for credit if topics differ. The course counts toward the Certificate in Writing and the Graduate Certificate in the Teaching of Writing.
3.00 Credits
Prerequisites: ENGL 3100 or equivalent as judged by? instructor; ENGL 2810 or 4810. Introduction to language and processes of editing. Includes copy editing, study of style manuals, and overview of production process. The course counts toward the Certificate in Writing.
3.00 Credits
Prerequisite: ENGL 3100 or its equivalent as judged by instructor. An advanced, project-oriented course to produce substantial, multifaceted business and technical writing projects. These might include reports, manuals, proposals, Web projects, computer documentation, or other advanced written assignments. These projects demonstrate the ability to handle complex assignments requiring initiative, independent work, and professional-level writing skills.? The course counts toward the Certificate in Writing.
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