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3.00 Credits
Same as MEDIA ST 1108 To give students a hands-on approach for writing advertising material for print and broadcast against tight deadlines in a professional setting.
3.00 Credits
Prerequisite: ENGL 1100 or equivalent. This course will introduce the student to writing in specific areas. The department will announce topics and course content in the Schedule . Possible topics are Argumentation, Reading and Writing About Public Affairs, Sports Reporting and? Writing, and Writing About Science. A student may repeat the course once when topics are different. The course counts toward the Certificate in Writing.
3.00 Credits
Prerequisites: ENGL 2030 or 2060 or the equivalent or consent of instructor.? Workshop in poetry writing. The course counts toward the Certificate in Writing.
3.00 Credits
Prerequisites: ENGL 2040 or 2060 or the equivalent or consent of instructor.? Workshop in fiction writing.?? The course counts toward the Certificate in Writing.
3.00 Credits
Prerequisites: ENGL 1100 or equivalent and junior standing . The course acquaints students with the techniques and terminology of literary criticism and trains them in the rudiments of writing about literature. Students compose eight to ten practical, critical essays on drama, poetry, fiction, and nonfictional prose. Explication of particular texts is emphasized. A longer critical paper incorporating secondary sources and introducing students to basic methods and resources for research is assigned. The course is required of English majors but is open to all qualified students. Course does not count toward the major in English. May not be taken on satisfactory/unsatisfactory option.? The course counts toward the Certificate in Writing.
3.00 Credits
Prerequisites: ENGL 1100 or equivalent (3-6 hours). This course further develops the experienced writer's style and analytical capabilities to the level of sophistication necessary for upper-division writing assignments and for academic and professional settings. The course includes complex readings, focuses on persuasion and argumentation, expands upon students' research and documentation skills, and requires research in university libraries. This course fulfills the university's requirement for a junior-level course in communicative skills. It may not be taken on a satisfactory/unsatisfactory basis.? The course counts toward the Certificate in Writing.
3.00 Credits
Prerequisite: ENGL 1110 or equivalent. This course will develop the student's style and critical-analytical abilities in contemporary American English writing. The course will also offer an introduction to formal research and documentation methods for preparing papers in a variety of fields. Additional emphasis will be placed on improving the student's reading abilities, both in comprehension and vocabulary. Course satisfies the junior-level communicative skills requirement. May not be taken on the satisfactory/unsatisfactory option.? The course counts toward the Certificate in Writing.
3.00 Credits
Prerequisites: ENGL 1100 or equivalent (3-6 hours) This course further develops the experienced writer's style and analytical capabilities to the level of sophistication necessary for upper-division writing assignments and for business and professional settings. Writing assignments may include business correspondence, reports, resumes, proposals, analyses, feasibility studies, and articles for in-house publications. The course emphasizes clarity, conciseness, organization, format, style, tone, and mechanical correctness; expands upon students' research and documentation skills; and requires research in university libraries. Fulfills the university's requirement for a junior-level course in communicative skills. It may not be taken on a satisfactory/ unsatisfactory basis.? The course counts toward the Certificate in Writing.
3.00 Credits
Prerequisites: ENGL 1100 or equivalent (3-6 hours). The major elements of industrial technical writing. Writing assignments include technical definitions, abstracts and summaries, mechanism descriptions, instructions, process analyses, technical reports and proposals. Emphasis is placed on clarity, conciseness, organization, format, style, and tone. The course includes an introduction to research methods and documentation. All readings are selected from industrial material. Fulfills the university's requirement for a junior-level course in communicative skills, subject to the approval of the student's major department. May not be taken on the satisfactory/unsatisfactory option. The course counts toward the Certificate in Writing.
3.00 Credits
Same as MEDIA ST 3214 Prerequisite: ENGL 1100 or equivalent. An introduction to news writing and reporting. Course covers basic components of news, reporting principles, and news writing style and structure. Daily writing assignments include coverage of speeches, meetings and interviews, accidents, deaths, courts, sports, consumer affairs, and government. Emphasis on clarity, accuracy, and speed. The course counts toward the Certificate in Writing.
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