Course Criteria
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2.00 Credits
Prerequisites: 4.0 credit hours of TH DAN 1007 and/or 2007 or Consent of instructor. Advanced jazz dance movement, technique, vocabulary, and aesthetics with particular focus on personal movement style and performance. Study of unique dance styles and artists that have influenced the stage, video, film, and commercial and media industry. Dance attire and jazz shoes will be required. Course may be repeated for up to 6 credit hours.
2.00 Credits
Prerequisites: 4.0 credit hours of TH DAN 1008 and/or 2008 or Consent of instructor. Advanced level of modern dance movement, technique, vocabulary, and aesthetics. Incorporation of more complex movement and patterns. Emphasis on accuracy and performance will be explored. Dance attire is required. Dance shoes are not required. Course may be repeated for up to 6 credit hours.
3.00 Credits
Prerequisites: 4 Credit hours of any level and combination of TH DAN 1006, 1007, 1008, 2006, 2007, 2008, 3006, 3007 & 3008. Course will focus on directed movement studies and composition techniques for the stage, television, and film. Personal creativity and original movement inventions will be explored, as well as the creation, development, and transformation of original movement studies into completed works. Dance attire and dance shoes are required. Course may be repeated for up to 6 credit hours.
1.00 - 2.00 Credits
Prerequisites: TH DAN 1060 or Consent of instructor. Practical application of technical theatre practices through 45 hours of lab work within the areas of scenery, lighting, properties, and sound in conjunction with departmental productions. Personal safety equipment and basic tools will be required. Course may be repeated for up to 8 credit hours.
1.00 - 3.00 Credits
Prerequisites: Consent of instructor. Course provides advanced practical experience in acting, directing, or dramaturgy through rehearsal and performance in conjunction with department productions, or other approved independent study projects. Laboratory time will be scheduled and may include evening and weekend rehearsals and performances. Course may be repeated for up to 8 credit hours.
1.00 - 3.00 Credits
Prerequisites: Consent of instructor. Course provides advanced practical experience in scenery, lighting, sound, and properties implementation and/or running crew work in conjunction with departmental productions, or other approved independent study projects. Running crew work may involve evening and weekend assigned times. Additional daytime hours will vary according to assignment. Credit hours are determined based on the scope of the project. Course may be repeated for up to 6 credit hours.
1.00 - 3.00 Credits
Prerequisites: Consent of instructor. This course provides advanced practical experience in costume construction, cutting, draping, millinery, fabric dyeing/painting, distressing, crafts including wardrobe and makeup running crews, in conjunction with the theatre and dance department productions, or other approved independent study projects. In addition to daytime Lab hours, occasional weekend and/or evening laboratory time may be required. Appropriate clothing and personal safety equipment will be required. Personal equipment will be required. Course may be repeated for up to 8 credit hours.
1.00 - 3.00 Credits
Prerequisites: Consent of instructor. Course provides practical experience in dance, stage movement, stage combat, choreography and/or running crew work in conjunction with departmental productions, or other approved independent study projects. May involve additional hours including evening and weekend assigned times. Credit will be based on the scope of the project. Course may be repeated for up to 6 credit hours.
3.00 Credits
Prerequisite: TH DAN 1210. Laboratory acting course emphasizing group dramatic analysis and collaborative play development and rehearsals culminating in an ensemble performance. Course emphasizes collaboration, cooperation, and team-building skills for performers in the theatre. Special attention is paid to the creation of dramatic works through collaborative means.
3.00 Credits
An introduction to the theories and practices of scenic and costume design for the theatre. The course will survey the evolution of theatrical designs through different cultures, dramatic genres, and theatre architecture.
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