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3.00 Credits
As consumers and producers of media, it is important that communication majors and non-communication majors critically examine the role of media in forming our beliefs about race, ethnicity, and gender in society. Media have the ability to shape, challenge, and uphold our beliefs about others and ourselves. Through this course, students will explore the social construction of race and gender through readings, discussion, and research. Specifically, the class will focus on critically viewing race and gender in film, television, and print media. Cross-listed as GND 222.
3.00 Credits
An introduction to the multiple elements of video production especially as performed in a studio setting, students gain experience in the operation and coordination of these elements for communication and aesthetic purposes.
3.00 Credits
Intended to teach the basic principles of digital photography to students with little or no background in photography. These principles will be illustrated through lecture, lab work with software, and also field work with a digital camera. Principles and techniques for using digital cameras will be emphasized, along with the ability to use Photoshop Elements, with the intention of providing students the fundamental skills to produce quality digital photographic projects. The course also focuses on both the aesthetics and criticism of photography as a communication medium and art form.
3.00 Credits
An exploration of the field of public relations from a variety of perspectives and an outline of the history and development of the field and its growing influence in national and international economies. The fundamentals of public relations writing and ethical issues of public relations practitioners and their audiences are also discussed.
3.00 Credits
A study of the historical and philosophical positions that underlie contemporary thinking on issues of press freedom, free speech, privacy, libel, obscenity and social control. These issues derive from our understanding of the nature of our society, of the appropriate role of the media, and of the boundaries between public and private. Plato, Milton, Mill and others provide the background material. In addition to the philosophical and historical material, course content covers current legal thinking as exemplified in court decisions and briefs.
3.00 Credits
An exploration of both the structural and interpersonal determinants of communication within organizations. Topics cover the role of organizations in the social order, myth and ritual within organizations, communication patterns and roles, communication network and the use of persuasion and identification in organizational socialization.
3.00 Credits
Acquaints students with the critical and analytic tools and language used in the analysis and criticism of film. Various films from different national traditions and time periods are viewed. Topics may include a historical study of film practices and theory as they evolved over time. Selected themes within film criticism, such as Women in Film or Alternative Cinema; or a consideration of the cultural impact of film and media. Course may be repeated once as topics change.
3.00 Credits
Invites students to explore the phenomena of and to apply the skills of critical analysis to modern popular culture forms such as music, film, television, advertising, sports, fashion, toys, magazines and comic books, and cyberculture, Sample course topics include The Beatles and Bob Dylan in the Sixties, The Sixties: The Second American Revolution, and Modern American Popular Culture. SPA 312: Hispanic Popular Culture in the United States is cross-listed with CST 245 when that course is offered.
3.00 Credits
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3.00 Credits
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