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3.00 Credits
This is a three-hour course which includes the study of the division algorithm, the Euclidean algorithm, elementary properties of primes, congruences including Fermat's and Euler's theorem, and the Prime Number Theorem, and the generation of fibonacci numbers or Pythagorean triples.
3.00 Credits
This is a three-hour course that includes a rigorous treatment of the fundamentals of plane geometry, and spherical, elliptical and hyperbolic geometries.
3.00 Credits
Prerequisite: Calculus III or consent of the Instructor. Topics include the real and complex number system, elementary cardinal arithmetic, metric spaces, with emphasis on Euclidean spaces, convergence, continuity, completeness, differentiability, normal linear spaces.
3.00 Credits
Prerequisites: Successful completion of M 6341. Integration: Riemann Stieltjes, Henstock, Lebesque integrals, measure theory, uniform convergence, analytic functions, Cauchy integral formula, residue theory, absolute continuity, bounded variation.
3.00 Credits
No course description available.
3.00 Credits
This is a three-hour course designed to introduce the student to the current literature in mathematics education research. The major tools used in research in the field will be explored.
3.00 Credits
Prerequisites: Calculus III, Linear Algebra, Differential Equations or consent of instructor. Topics selected from the following: Linear systems, discrete and continuous dynamical systems, fixed points, periodicity and chaos, Sarkovskii's Theorem, bifuraction, fractals and symbolic dynamics, complex dynamical systems. May be repeated for credit when topics vary.
3.00 Credits
No course description available.
3.00 Credits
Prerequisite: Consent of instructor. The first semester reviews undergraduate probability and statistics, including sampling distributions, tests of statistical hypotheses, multivariate distributions and non parametric methods. It then discusses Axioms of probability, Bernoulli trials, distributions and density functions, variance, moments, characteristic functions.
3.00 Credits
Prerequisite: Successful completion of M 6361 The second semester includes the following topics: Sequences of random variables, parameter estimations, hypothesis testing. Applications, Random walks, Browian motion. Spectral repesentations and estimation.
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