Course Criteria
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1.00 - 4.00 Credits
A study of a particular aspect of mathematics or a related area that is of interest to both mathematics majors and other majors, but is not in our list of standard courses. This course assumes no prerequisites.
3.00 Credits
In this course the students will learn about the common cryptographic use, for example: security functions (data protection, data integrity, authentication, non-repudiation). The students will learn about symmetric cryptography, publickey cryptography ( Diffie-Hellman, RSA, El Gamal), the strength and weaknesses of various cryptography models. Finally, the students will learn about cryptographic failures including types of attacks (brute force, chosen plaintext, known plaintext, differential and linear cryptanalysis, etc.) and implementation failures.
3.00 Credits
A two-semester sequence in the algebraic structures that lie at the foundations of many areas of modern mathematics. Topics chosen from theory of groups, rings, integral domains, and fields, coding theory, Galois theory, modules, and Euclidean constructions.
3.00 Credits
A two-semester sequence in the algebraic structures that lie at the foundations of many areas of modern mathematics. Topics chosen from theory of groups, rings, integral domains, and fields, coding theory, Galois theory, modules, and Euclidean constructions.
3.00 Credits
Advanced topics in differential equations and multi-dimensional calculus. Topics include power series solutions of differential equations, line and surface integrals, Fourier series, vector integral calculus, special functions, and an introduction to partial differential equations.
3.00 Credits
An introduction to numerical methods. Topics include floating-point computation, finding zeros of functions, direct methods for solving systems of linear equations, interpolation, and numerical differentiation and integration.
3.00 Credits
A further study of numerical methods. Topics include approximation, numerical solutions of ordinary differential equations, iterative methods for solving systems of linear equations, eigenvalue problems, and error analysis.
3.00 Credits
The theory and applications of deterministic models of operations research. Topics include linear programming and the simplex algorithm, transportation and assignment problems, graphs and network flows, dynamic programming, and sensitivity analysis.
3.00 Credits
The theory and applications of probabilistic models of operations research. Topics include queuing models, birth and death processes, finite-state markov chains, inventory theory, forecasting, simulation, decision analysis, game theory, and reliability
3.00 Credits
A study of a particular aspect of mathematics or a related area at junior level that is of interest to both mathematics majors and other majors, but is not on our list of standard mathematics courses. The offering of this course will depend upon the interest of the students, the availability of an instructor, and approval of the department head. Since the content of the course may change, a student may repeat the course for credit with the consent of the department head.
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