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4.00 Credits
Introduces structured programming with applications to engineering problems. Prerequisite: ENGR 101 or department-approved equivalent.
5.00 Credits
Introduces switching theory and logic design. Number systems, logic families, Boolean algebra, minimization, flip-flops, registers and counters, are covered. Analysis and design of finite state machines with discrete and programmable devices. Prerequisite: ENGR 221.
4.00 Credits
Analysis of forces acting on particles and rigid bodies. Force systems, centroids, and moments of inertia are covered. Scientific, programmable, graphing calculator required. Prerequisites: MTH 252, PHY 211; ENGR 101.
4.00 Credits
Kinematics and kinetics of particles and rigid bodies are analyzed by Newton's laws, work-energy and impulse-momentum methods. Prerequisite: ENGR 211.
4.00 Credits
Relationships between stress and strain in deformable solids are studied. Analysis is applied to axially-loaded members, circular shafts, beams and columns. Combined stresses, statically indeterminate systems and properties of structural materials are included. Prerequisite: ENGR 211.
5.00 Credits
DC and AC circuit analysis. Ohm's and Kirchhoff's Laws, networktheorems, node voltage and mesh current methods. Includes computer circuit simulation, math analysis using Maple, and laboratory experiments. Recommended: MTH 253; PHY 213. Prerequisites: ENGR 101; MTH 252.
5.00 Credits
Electrical Circuits Circuit analysis using Laplace and Fourier transforms. Fourier series, convolution integral, transfer functions, and frequency response. Includes computer analysis using Maple, lab experiments using LabView, GPIB and DAQ, and computer circuit simulation. Prerequisites: ENGR 221; MTH 256
5.00 Credits
Emphasizes discrete time analysis of electrical circuits, including sampling and the discrete time Fourier Transform. Discrete time and linear time invariant systems. Characterization and Fourier Series representation of signals and systems, communications systems, and the z-transform. Includes a 3-hour per week laboratory. Prerequisite: ENGR 222.
4.00 Credits
Introduces basic concepts of plane surveying Includes use of tape, level, transit, electronic total station (ETS), along with horizontal and vertical control networks. Includes network calculations and adjustments, angles and bearings, and topographic surveying and mapping. Prerequisite: ENGR 101 and 102.
4.00 Credits
Selection of materials for modern engineering applications. Structure and properties of metals, ceramics and polymers starting with fundamental atomic arrangements. Microstructural control through terminal and mechanical processing and effects of service environment are covered. Prerquisites: PHY 211; MTH 252; (CH 201 or 222).
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