Course Criteria
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4.00 Credits
Explores biography and autobiography from various places and periods. Prerequisite: WR 115 and RD 115 or equivalent placement test scores.
4.00 Credits
Explores fiction, poetry, drama, myths, and more from Latin America. Includes works of hispanic, Indigenous, and Afro-Caribbean origin. All readings are in English. Prerequisite: WR 115 and RD 115 or equivalent placement test scores.
4.00 Credits
Studies fictional, factual, and poetic works by Northwest writers from before the arrival of Euro-Americans to the present. Emphasizes relationship between Northwest writing and Northwest social, cultural, and physical environment. Prerequisite: WR 115 and RD 115 or equivalent placement test scores.
4.00 Credits
Explores a range of writings and films on genocide and its aftermath. Considers memoirs, fiction, poetry, literary nonfiction, and films created by survivors and other in relation to genocide and its varied historical contexts. Prerequisite: WR 115 and RD 115 or equivalent placement test scores.
4.00 Credits
Challenges students to explore images of women in literature. Focuses on portrayal of the feminine in mythology; conventional images in Western literature; literature of non-Western cultures or that of other groups within Western culture in relation to specific themes; or a combination of these. Students practice literary analysis. Prerequisite: WR 115 and RD 115 or equivalent placement test scores.
4.00 Credits
Studies oral and written composition by Native Americans from both before and after contact with Euro- Americans. Provides historical, geographical, political, social, religious, linguistic, aesthetic and ethnopoetic contexts for understanding the various tribal literatures studied. Recommended: some background or experience in literature is desirable. Prerequisite: WR 115 and RD 115 or equivalent placement test scores.
4.00 Credits
Studies writings in English by American writers of Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Vietnamese, Filipino, Pacific Islander, and other Asian ancestry. Considers the writings in their historical, cultural, political, and social contexts. Emphasizes development of attitudes, values, and identities. Prerequisites: WR 115 and RD 115 or equivalent placement test scores.
4.00 Credits
Explores origins, nature and content of myth and folklore. Offers student ability to recognize and appreciate myths from any culture. Through selected readings, students become aware of questions about life as expressed in myth. Prerequisite: WR 115 and RD 115 or equivalent placement test scores.
4.00 Credits
Introduces students to the literature of the land which is now the United States from before European contact through the mid-nineteenth century. The course revolves around written manifestations of the various interests, preoccupations, and experiences of the peoples creating and recreating American culture. Prerequisite: WR 115 and RD 115 or equivalent placement test scores.
4.00 Credits
Introduces students to the literature of the land which is now the United States from the mid-nineteenth century to the present. The course revolves around written manifestations of the various interests, preoccupations, and experiences of the peoples creating and recreating American culture. Prerequisite: WR 115 and RD 115 or equivalent placement test scores.
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