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4.00 Credits
English 108 is the second of a two-course survey of Western Literature that includes English 107. English 108 exposes students to a broad spectrum of literature in translation that begins at the formation of a modern Western literature (14th century) and concludes at the present. English 108 usually begins at the point of Dante's The Divine Comedy, Chaucer's The Canterbury Tales, and Cervantes Don Quixote, and finishes in the late modern era of Gao Xingjian's Soul Mountain. The series does not have to be taken in sequence. Prerequisite: WR 115 and RD 115 or equivalent placement test scores.
4.00 Credits
Enhances understanding of film through analysis of film history and form. Develops visual literacy and analysis skills by offering a range of tools to study any film. Analyze ways in which a film may both contribute and react to its time and culture; analyze film through studying the techniques by which it was made; and substantiate observations with examples taken from film tradition and from the film itself. Prerequisite: WR 115 and RD 115 or equivalent placement test scores.
4.00 Credits
Enhances understanding of film through analysis of directorial decisions and film techniques. Develops visual literacy and analysis skills by offering a range of tools to study any film. Analyze ways in which directorial decisions may affect an individual film and viewer; situate a film within a director's body of work; analyze ways in which it may both contribute and react to its time and culture; and substantiate observations with examples taken from the film tradition and from the film itself. Prerequisite: WR 115 and RD 115 or equivalent placement test scores.
4.00 Credits
Enhances understanding of film through analysis of contemporary film-making, narrative techniques, genres, themes and critical approaches. Develops visual literacy and anaylsis skills by offering a range of tools to study any film. Analyze contemporary film techniques and the ways in which the films may both contribute and react to their time and culture; study contemporary film theory; and substantiate observations with examples taken from the film tradition and from the film itself. Prerequisite: WR 115 and RD 115 or equivalent placement test scores.
4.00 Credits
Enhances understanding and appreciation of Shakespeare's achievement and contribution to literature. Focuses on five or more plays and selected non-dramatic poetry in order to introduce the study of Shakespeare's dramatic techniques, character development, and language. The works are chosen to reflect a broad range of patterns, themes, and genres. Recommended prior coursework: ENG 105 and 106. Prerequisite: WR 115 and RD 115 or equivalent placement test scores.
4.00 Credits
Enhances understanding and appreciation of Shakespeare's achievement and contribution to literature. Focuses on five or more plays and selected non-dramatic poetry in order to introduce the study of Shakespeare's dramatic techniques, character development, and language. The works are chosen to reflect a broad range of patterns, themes, and genres. Recommended prior coursework: ENG 105, 106, and 201. Prerequisite: WR 115 and RD 115 or equivalent placement test scores.
4.00 Credits
Literature of the British Isles: Medieval and Renaissance selections, from Beowulf to Shakespeare. Prerequisite: WR 115 and RD 115 or equivalent placement test scores. ENG 205 Survey of English Literature Survey of English Literature Literature of the British Isles: seventeenth, eighteenth, and early nineteenth century selections, from Donme through the Early Romatics. Prerequisites: WR 115 and RD 115 or equivalent placement test scores.
4.00 Credits
English translations of Indian literature from earliest times to modern. May include such works and authors as hymns from the Rygveda, the love stories and the battles of the Ramayana, and the twentieth century authors Tagore and Rushdie. Prerequisite: WR 115 and RD 115 or equivalent placement test scores.
4.00 Credits
English translations of Chinese literature from earliest times to modern. May include such works and authors as The Book of Songs, Li Po, Tu Fu, The Journey to the West, and the twentieth century authors Lu Xun and Ding Ling. Prerequisite: WR 115 and RD 115 or equivalent placement test scores.
4.00 Credits
English translations of Japanese literature from earliest times to modern. May include such works and authors as the Manyoshu, selections from Heian court diaries, The Tale of Genji, the No, Kabuki, and puppet theatres, and the twentieth century authors Kawabata, Tanizaki, Hayashi, Enchi, and Mishima. Prerequisite: WR 115 and RD 115 or equivalent placement test scores.
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