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3.00 Credits
Covers refrigeration loads, equipment selection, piping and installation procedures. Focuses on calculating loads for walk-in units, sizing condensing units, and evaporative coils. Includes use of catalogs to locate and properly select components, for design and troubleshooting new and existing applications. Prerequisites: FMT 103 or APR 133 or TE 9244.
3.00 Credits
Covers residential heat loads, equipment selection, piping and installation procedures. Calculating loads for residential homes, sizing furnaces, condensing units, and evaporative coils. Includes use of catalogs to locate and properly select components and for design and troubleshooting new and existing applications. Prerequisites: FMT 103 or APR 133 or TE 9244.
3.00 Credits
Fundamentals of hydronics systems related to electrical controls and fluid flow. Includes burner control system, schematic diagrams, distribution systems, heat emitters, radiant floor heating, expansion tanks, entrained air, and auxiliary heat loads. Prerequisites: FMT 122 or TE 9161.
8.00 Credits
Provides "hands-on" work experience fostudents enrolled in Facilities Maintenance Technology. Department permission required.
3.00 Credits
Basic nutrition course for students with little or no science background. Explores personal food habits and beliefs. Emphasizes practical application of nutrition knowledge to enhance general health. Analyze present diet and evaluate it according to latest nutritional guidelines.
4.00 Credits
Introduces components of an adequate diet, nutrient availability and utilization. Analyze dietary intake and compare to current scientific guidelines. Examines peripheral factors influencing diet such as global and local issues, cultural environment, and elements of food safety. Strong background in life sciences recommended. Prerequisite: WR 115, RD 115 and MTH 20 or equivalent placement test scores.
1.00 Credits
Study the principles of diet therapy, routine hospital diets and commonly used diet modifications in therapeutic care. Diseases and conditions associated with the gastrointestinal tract, cardiovascular system and diabetes are emphasized. Learn the specfic roles of the health care team members in nutrition care management of the institutionalized patients.
4.00 Credits
Introduces relationship of foods to health, factors affecting food/nutrient intake, and role of food processing in nutrient availability. Evaluates use of modified diets used in treatment of disease. Primary emphasis: nutritional status of the young adult; secondary emphasis, institutionalized patient. Project includes a nutritional self-assessment. Required for PCC Nursing Program. Prerequisites: MTH 20 or higher, or placement into MTH 60; and WR 115 or higher, or placement into WR 121; placement into RD 115 or higher, and BI 103, or BI 122, or BI 231.
3.00 Credits
Studies the history and development of fire service as well as safety and security movements. Identifies general fire hazards and their causes and how to apply fire protection principles.
10.00 Credits
Designed to meet NFPA Standard 1001 "Firefigher I" trainingrequirements, this course provides a program that presents comprehensive training in all aspects of basic firefighting skills. Knowledge obtained from classroom instruction is transferred to drill ground application, during hands-on training. Students study basic tools, procedures, techniques and safety precautions utilized by fire fighters, during fire ground operations. PCC department application acceptance required.
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