Course Criteria
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3.00 Credits
First aid for emergency treatment of injuries with emphasis on the use of this knowledge as applied in everyday life and school situations. National Safety Council cards are issued to those who qualify.
3.00 Credits
An overview of the major components of wellness. Special emphasis is placed on needs and interests of college students approached from a social, emotional, physiological, and preventative basis that include diet, exercise, stress management, and substance abuse.
2.00 Credits
This course will foster opportunities for students to identify and clarify humanistic and ethical values in medical care and technology, health education, health related jurisprudence, and health related research. Studies in bioethics, communication, history, literature, religious studies, and philosophy provide opportunities for students to consider the cultural, social, and interpersonal dimensions in the planning and implementation of care and activities of the health professions. The course will utilize several reading selections as discussion points for the course. Student must have at least sophomore standing to register for this course.
3.00 Credits
Today's world has shrunk due to the ability of individuals to travel rapidly from place to place. This has created a world where health issues are no longer confined to a limited region, but can potentially affect the entire planet. This course will examine global health issues, including historic impacts of advancing civilization on health, HIV/AIDS and the distribution of antiretrovirals (ARVs), Pandemic Flu and other infectious diseases such as malaria and tuberculosis, health care, chronic illness, and other issues. Student must have at least sophomore standing to register for this course.
3.00 Credits
This course is directed at students in the Health Studies concentration and in the MUD program. It is specifically intended to provide a background into understanding how to plan, teach and assess games and activities for young children. Student must have at least sophomore standing to register for this course.
4.00 Credits
Study of macro- and micronutrient dietary requirements for healthy living. Topics include diet design, nutrient digestion, absorption and metabolism, energetics, and weight control. Five-day computer dietary analysis and planning are included. Prerequisite or Co-requisite: CHEM 103. Student must have at least sophomore standing to register for this course.
3.00 Credits
Study of contemporary issues in unhealthy lifestyle practices. Topics include health psychology, health belief models and behaviors, alcohol and other drug abuse and addiction, spiritual health issues. Student must have at least sophomore standing to register for this course.
3.00 Credits
The course studies contemporary wellness issues that include consumer health, community health, epidemiology, prevention and control of disease, Health careers, AIDS, and Environmental Health. Student must have at least sophomore standing to register for this course.
3.00 Credits
The course will study the development of curriculums and programs in school, wellness, and community settings. Additional emphasis will be placed on the measurement and evaluation of individuals and programs in Health and Wellness settings. Prerequisite: STAT 315 and STAT 316 or PSY 327; HWS 351 and HWS 350; or consent of instructor. Student must have at least junior standing to register for this course.
2.00 Credits
The study of the dynamics of later life and the process of aging with an emphasis on healthy activities. Includes overview of aging, physiological and behavioral dimensions of the aging process, screening and assessment, training methods, and successful program design, leadership and risk management. Student must have at least junior standing to register for this course.
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