Course Criteria
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3.00 Credits
A course in which theory and research relate to practice, in a developmentally appropriate curriculum for the young child. Allows the learner to explore the importance of play as it is integrated into the total learning experience of the child. A range of assessment methods, appropriate for child's age and stage, focusing on formative measures, i.e., observation, portfolios, screening tools. Student must have graduate standing to register for this course.
3.00 Credits
A study of the development of the whole child; from birth to age eight, in the areas of physical, cognitive, social, emotional, and aesthetic growth. The relationship between theories and development in each of these areas of growth and application of those theories into practice, in programs for young children. The importance of considering "age and stage" of development when setting goals for the young child is embedded in this course content. Student must have graduate standing to register for this course.
3.00 Credits
A course designed to emphasize the importance of early intervention for children with special needs. A focus on planning quality interactions in an integrated program, by exploring programs with clearly defined and carefully specified goals for each learner. A theoretical base and philosophy merge to enable learners in this course to accommodate special needs children. Student must have graduate standing to register for this course.
5.00 Credits
A course to provide learning, related to stages, in the development of behavior, and applying that learning when planning interactions with, and programs for, the young child. Guidance as opposed to control, using methods which have the child's well being as the focus. Exploring adult/child relationships and the effect of the environment on behavior. Student must have graduate standing to register for this course.
1.00 - 6.00 Credits
This course will provide supervised, practical experience in a prekindergarten and kindergarten setting. The practicum will extend the learner's experience beyond the college classroom by integrating course work, theories, techniques, into the young child's environment. Student must have graduate standing to register for this course.
3.00 Credits
Introduces the structure and functions of English. Course participants will analyze the underlying grammatical system of English at the phoneme, word, and text levels. Learners will demonstrate their knowledge of basic language structures and processes. A major focus of the course is the application of knowledge about linguistic processes to instructional decision making in literacy education. Student must have graduate standing to register for this course.
2.00 Credits
Modern Languages: CONCEPTS Modern Languages: STRATEGIES Modern Languages: IMPLEMENTATION These courses are designed to familiarize candidates with recent effective teaching methodology, currently developed texts, and curriculum design utilized in the teaching of modern languages. Additional topics include current research on second language acquisition and supportive resources. Student must have graduate standing to register for this course.
2.00 Credits
Art Methods: CONCEPTS Art Methods: STRATEGIES Art Methods: IMPLEMENTATION These courses are designed to familiarize candidates with contemporary pedagogical trends in Art. Topics include Oregon Standards, curriculum design, supportive materials, lesson preparation, and student evaluation. Candidates will, in addition, learn activities designed to infuse visual education across the curriculum. Student must have graduate standing to register for this course.
2.00 Credits
Course focuses on organization, personnel, management, and evaluation of comprehensive reading programs K-12 at classroom, school, and district levels. Implementation and administrative issues are also included. Required for Basic Reading Endorsement. Prerequisite: Elem. or Sec. reading course. Student must have graduate standing to register for this course.
3.00 Credits
Techniques and methods for teaching reading in the primary grades. Designed to acquaint the student with different procedures, media, and materials for teaching reading from the preschool level through the primary grades. Special focus on language development and communication. Required for Basic Reading Endorsement. Prerequisite: Elem. or Sec. reading course. Student must have graduate standing to register for this course.
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