Course Criteria

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  • 3.00 Credits

    An effective high school teacher must be able to facilitate learning through the understanding of the principles of human development as they relate to the physical, intellectual, personality, and social learning process of children. This course explores the theoretical, practical, and applied approaches to child development. Prerequisite: Graduate status. Student must have graduate standing to register for this course.
  • 2.00 Credits

    Business Education Methods: CONCEPTS Business Education Methods: STRATEGIES Business Education Methods: IMPLEMENTATION These courses are designed to help candidates learn to prepare lesson design and unit plans appropriate for the Business Education classroom. Additional topics include business lab management, computer software, accounting, business law, and personal finance. Student must have graduate standing to register for this course.
  • 2.00 Credits

    Student must have graduate standing to register for this course.
  • 5.00 Credits

    Student Teaching: HIGH SCHOOL Student Teaching: MID LEVEL Supervised, extended teaching experience in a public school setting. The student will be responsible for planning, implementing, and evaluating the total classroom program. Focus will be upon utilizing the most effective teaching/ learning strategies. Prerequisite: Admission to MTE program/ consent of instructor. Student must have graduate standing to register for this course.
  • 2.00 Credits

    Student must have graduate standing to register for this course.
  • 3.00 Credits

    This seminar course provides an exploration of issues related to second language acquisition in schools, cognitive development in bilingual learners, and restructuring K-12 education to better meet the needs of linguistic minority students. Course participants will read extensively in the literature regarding second language education research, learner strategies in acquiring a second language, and the analysis of English and its underlying system. Three major projects will be required, including a literature circle response presentation; a portfolio of weekly response assignments over course readings and weekly linguistic analysis assignments; and an integrative capstone experience which includes conducting and writing up a case study of a selected bilingual learner. Student must have graduate standing to register for this course.
  • 3.00 Credits

    Introduction to theory and practices of bilingual education and the history of bilingual education in the U.S. will be discussed. Students will become familiar with current issues and problems in the field of bilingual education, with federal legislation and court cases as they relate to minority students, and with different models of bilingual education programs. Student must have graduate standing to register for this course.
  • 3.00 Credits

    The application of social science theory and methodology is the issue of educating American children from language minority groups; examination of the research and related literature concerning the goals of education in a pluralistic society, cross cultural education, and bilingualism. Identification of major teaching methodologies which utilize ESOL will be discussed. Student must have graduate standing to register for this course.
  • 3.00 Credits

    Practical application for teaching language and culture, information about the concept of proficiency and its relationship to theoretical and methodological trends will be discussed. Useful application for the novice teacher as well as the experienced practitioner where new perspectives in familiar techniques and approaches will be demonstrated. Student must have graduate standing to register for this course.
  • 3.00 Credits

    Allows exploration of history, current trends, and issues in the field of early childhood. Emphasis will be placed on developing positive relationships between family, community, and school and the diverse needs related to culture as each relates to the development of the young child. Student must have graduate standing to register for this course.
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