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4.00 Credits
Foundation course in digital design, Topics such as number systems, basic logic gates, TTL device parameters, Boolean algebra, logic circuit simplification techniques, timing analysis, the application of MSI combinational logic devices, programmable logic devices, flip-flops, synchronous state machines and counters. Introduces students to a systematic design methodology. Uses computer based tools such as schematic capture programs, programmable logic development programs, and digital circuit stimulators.
1.00 Credits
Pre- or co-requisite: ECE 221, 222, 223. S/U only.
1.00 Credits
Pre- or co-requisite: ECE 221, 222, 223. S/U only.
1.00 Credits
Pre- or co-requisite: ECE 221, 222, 223. S/U only.
4.00 Credits
Experimental laws, network theorems, and computer analysis techniques of electrical circuit analysis. Network responses to various forcing functions using time-domain and phasordomain methods. Prerequisite: MATH 253
4.00 Credits
Step and impulse response of electric circuits, introduction to the frequence domain, Laplace and Fourier transforms, convolution integrals, and spectra Bode plots. Block diagrams and transfer functions. Prerequisite: ECE 221
4.00 Credits
Continuous-time and discrete-time Fourier series, continuoustime Fourier transform, discrete-time Fourier transform, fast Fourier transform, sampling, aliasing, communications, modulation, the z-transform, discrete-time filters. Prerequisite: ECE 222.
4.00 Credits
Second course in a sequence of digital and microprocessor courses. Covers shift register devices and circuits; design, timing analysis, and application of synchronous state machine circuits using discrete devices and programmable logic devices; timing analysis of asynchronous state machines, arithmetic circuits and devices; internal architecture of a microprocessor; design and interfacing of memory systems; and an introduction to design for test techniques. Reinforces the systematic design methodology, documentation standards, and use of computer-based tools introduced in ECE 171. Prerequisite: ECE 171.
1.00 Credits
Prerequisite or co-requisite: ECE 321. S/U only.
1.00 Credits
Prerequisite or co-requisite: ECE 322. S/U only.
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