Course Criteria
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0.00 Credits
Assembly Lang L
1.00 - 5.00 Credits
An in-depth presentation of a topic of interest to both students and faculty. Topics will vary from year to year depending on the interests and availability of faculty. Prerequisite: May be required for some topics. Student must have at least sophomore standing to register for this course.
3.00 Credits
The principles and problems involved in the development of a computer operating system. Overview of the development of operating systems, sequential and con-current processes, cooperation, communication and mutual exclusion, synchronization constructs: monitors, conditional critical regions, semaphores; deadlocks, resource allocation, scheduling policies, storage management. Prerequisite: CS 248. Student must have at least sophomore standing to register for this course.
4.00 Credits
Hardware systems, computer architectures, and their interrelationships in advanced microcomputer systems. Parallel architectures, virtual memory architectures, and memory management strategies are discussed. Data representation, memory organization, input-output processing, stack computers, parallel computers, pipeline architecture, and microprogramming. Prerequisite: CS 301. Student must have at least sophomore standing to register for this course.
4.00 Credits
The analysis of variety of algorithms that arise frequently in computer applications. Basic principles and techniques for analyzing and improving algorithms in areas such as List Searches, Sorting, Pattern Recognition, Polynomial and Matrix Computations. Prerequisite: MATH 231 and CS 260. Student must have at least sophomore standing to register for this course.
3.00 Credits
Includes automata, complexity, Turing machines, unsolvable problems. Prerequisite: CS 318. Student must have at least sophomore standing to register for this course.
3.00 Credits
The design and implementation of compiler and run-time systems for high-level languages, and the interaction among language design, compiler design, and run-time organization. Prerequisite: CS 321. Student must have at least sophomore standing to register for this course.
4.00 Credits
An introductory examination of the Open System Interconnection Reference Model (OSI). Topics covered include network architecture, data flow control, transmission control, path control, recovery, and routing techniques. Prerequisite: CS 311. Student must have at least sophomore standing to register for this course.
3.00 Credits
Introduction to fundamental concepts of object-oriented software development. Covers requirements determination and specification and systems design using the Unified Modeling Language (UML). Emphasis is placed on methods of iterative and incremental software development. Prerequisite: CS 260. Student must have at least sophomore standing to register for this course.
4.00 Credits
A study of object oriented programming with C++. Beginning and intermediate concepts are covered including classes, objects, member functions, overloading, inheritance, polymorphism, templates, and virtual functions. Prerequisite: CS 221, 260. Student must have at least sophomore standing to register for this course.
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