Course Criteria

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  • 1.00 - 3.00 Credits

    Student must have at least junior standing to register for this course.
  • 1.00 - 6.00 Credits

    Topics may include orchestration, counterpoint, baroque performance practice, introduction to Orff-Schulwerk, and others. Prerequisite: Upper division standing required. Musical background recommended. Student must have at least junior standing to register for this course.
  • 2.00 Credits

    A study in seminar format of the music of non-Western cultures and the role of music in the lives of non-Western peoples. Emphasis on ethnomusicological concepts and trends. Prerequisite: MUS 315 and 316. Student must have at least junior standing to register for this course.
  • 2.00 Credits

    An extended look at large orchestral and choral works. The course will focus on score study, writing about music, 20th century conducting techniques, mixed meter conducting and rehearsal techniques. Class presentations and one research paper are required. Prerequisite: MUS 225. Student must have at least junior standing to register for this course.
  • 3.00 Credits

    The course will focus on advanced decision-making processes in music composition. Students will be encouraged to experiment with new compositional techniques and new approaches to musical performance. Opportunities for composing for both acoustic and electronic instruments will be made available. Prerequisite: MUS 315, 316 or submission of scores to instructor. Student must have at least junior standing to register for this course.
  • 1.00 Credits

    Individual or small group instruction in musical composition. May be repeated for credit. Prerequisite: MUS 235 and consent of instructor. Student must have at least junior standing to register for this course.
  • 3.00 Credits

    This course prepares students for teaching music in the choral classroom (middle school through high school levels). Areas of focus for this course include teaching philosophy, curriculum, program management, repertoire, assessment, arts standards, behavior management, learning styles, rehearsal techniques, and leadership models. Students will complete a ten-week unit, a portfolio, and a research paper. In addition to the regular meeting time students enrolled in this course will be required to complete a series of outside classroom observations. Student must have at least junior standing to register for this course.
  • 3.00 Credits

    This course prepares students to teach music in the early childhood and elementary school settings. Students will learn how children perceive, respond to, and create music in terms of developmental levels. In addition to using the piano and voice in the classroom, students will acquire playing skills on other classroom instruments, such as guitar, recorder, autoharp, and Orff instruments. Topics include the accommodation of learning styles, developmental levels, assessment, state/ national standards, exceptionality, the child's voice, lesson plan design and implementation, basal series, children's vocal literature, international curriculum developments, pedagogy, curriculum implementation, integrating music into the elementary school curriculum, classroom management, and portfolios. Students must pass the Classroom Instrument Competency Examination. Students will complete a ten-week unit required for teacher certification. In addition to the regular meeting time students enrolled in this course will be required to complete a series of outside classroom observations. Student must have at least junior standing to register for this course.
  • 3.00 Credits

    This course prepares students to develop, coordinate, and administer instrumental ensembles in elementary, middle, and secondary instrumental settings. Topics include coordination, administration, and supervision of instrumental ensembles; literature and teaching materials for the beginning, intermediate, and high school instrumental ensembles, including chamber, symphonic wind, marching, jazz, pep, woodwind, brass, and percussion ensemble; solo literature; standardized assessment; rehearsal techniques, curriculum; state and national standards; applications of current research; philosophy of music education. In addition to the regular meeting time. Students enrolled in this course will be required to complete a series of outside classroom observations. Student must have at least junior standing to register for this course.
  • 1.00 - 3.00 Credits

    Student must have at least junior standing to register for this course.
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