Course Criteria

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  • 3.00 Credits

    3 s.h. This course will focus on reading theories and the developmental process of reading instruction and literacy with an emphasis on comprehension and the relationship between reading and writing. Indirect and direct models of the teaching of reading will be examined. A balanced literacy model, with flexible use of word recognition skills will be emphasized and practiced. Issues of diversity will be addressed through children's literature and technology. Topics for study include emergent literacy, evaluation, and the creation of a literature environment. A field component is included. Prerequisites: JrS, education major, completion of EDUC 106, 201, 206, 284, EPSY 275 and 240.
  • 3.00 Credits

    3 s.h. Formulation of a theoretical basis for practical applications of reading and writing in the classroom. Looking at the teacher's role in developing literacy, with an emphasis on a critical exploration of literature, technology, and other resources. Focus on instructional planning, classroom organization, and assessment. Opportunities for observation and application with attention to meeting the literacy needs of diverse learners. Examination of content area reading and professional development. Must be taken concurrently with EDUC 220, EDUC 222, EDUC 240, EDUC 260. Prerequisite: SrS, successful completion of application to candidacy.
  • 3.00 Credits

    3 s.h. Re-examines the nature of mathematics in light of NCTM and New York State Standards and explores technology integration across the curriculum. Topics include numeration and number sense, probability and statistics, and geometry and measurement. Format consists of: small group, hands-on activities, computer laboratories, and reflective writing. Course requirements include: a microteaching lesson, the development of a teaching resource file and problem-solving kit appropriate for diverse learners and a field component. Must be taken concurrently with EDUC 220, EDUC 222, EDUC 236, EDUC 260. Prerequisite: SrS, successful completion of application to candidacy.
  • 3.00 Credits

    3 s.h. This course will focus on the relationship of language and cognition; language acquisition theories; and the stages of oral and written language development with a particular emphasis on adolescent literacies across the curriculum. The course will help to prepare teachers of adolescents in all content areas to understand language and literacy, how it is acquired and used from early childhood through adolescence, and how to relate this understanding to the adolescent classroom. Includes field experience. Prerequisite: College Writing Exam passed.
  • 3.00 Credits

    3 s.h. Explores the potential of computer technology and a multimedia approach to facilitate curriculum integration, problem solving, and the teaching and learning of knowledge in various adolescence education curriculum areas. The focus is on software exploration and facilitation, the development of technology integration plans, and review of current research pertaining to technology in education. Acceptance into an adolescence education program required. This course will be offered at least three times a year. Prerequisite: SoS.
  • 3.00 Credits

    3 s.h. This course will use an interactive laboratory/discussion process approach which models the teaching/learning aspects of science. Emphasizes content according to New York State Standards, constructivist methodology, and diverse student learning needs. Students will develop skills in teaching, assessment, research, technology, reflective thinking, and self-evaluation. Includes portfolio development and field experience. Must be taken concurrently with EDUC 220, EDUC 222, EDUC 236, EDUC 240. Prerequisite: SrS, successful completion of application to candidacy. E
  • 3.00 Credits

    3 s.h. This course focuses on the relationship of language, cognition, and culture. Language acquisition theories, linguistic and ethnic diversity, the effects of home environment on language acquisition, and the stages of oral and written language development will be addressed. The course content includes the history of language, uses of language for a variety of purposes, grammar, dialect, and language usage within a global society. Includes a field component. Prerequisites: JrS, EPSY 275 or EPSY 240, College Writing Exam passed.
  • 3.00 Credits

    3 s.h. This course focuses on the value of expressive arts, and how they are integrated into the curriculum to teach the content areas. A workshop format is utilized to explore the following: art, music, movement, dance, creative drama, dramatic play, puppetry storytelling, children's literature, and process writing. In support of the NYS Standards of the Arts, critical evaluation of works in the arts and discussion of how personal and cultural forces shape artistic communication are included. Prerequisite: SoS.
  • 1.00 - 3.00 Credits

    1-3 s.h. A series of one, two, or three semester hour courses. The objective is to meet the needs and interests of undergraduate students in their pursuit of their particular curriculum. Accordingly, course titles will vary session to session. Prerequisites: SoS and one EDUC course.
  • 1.00 - 3.00 Credits

    1-3 s.h. This course provides a college level teaching experience for students who are exceptionally qualified to undertake appropriate responsibilities and demands including such activities as mentoring, assisting in course preparation, participation in classroom presentations, group facilitation or tutoring. Specific responsibilities, amount of credit, and assessment criteria will be agreed to and outlined in writing prior to the beginning of the course by the student and faculty member. Applicants must complete the College Undergraduate Teaching Assistantship Application and meet all stated prerequisites.
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