Course Criteria

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  • 3.00 Credits

    3 s.h. A selective survey of the history of European political thought from the Renaissance to the latter half of the nineteenth century, focusing on several influential political and philosophical treatises, the historical contexts in which those works were written, and the continuing relevance of their arguments. The course will focus, first, on early modern attempts to present rational political and moral alternatives to traditional forms of rule; and, second, on late modern political and moral responses to the unfolding of competitive market societies during the age of revolutions. Thinkers examined may include Machiavelli, Locke, Rousseau, Bentham, Constant, Kant, Tristan, Marx, and J.S. Mill. This course, along with POLS 201, will provide a broad survey of major western political and philosophical innovations and traditions. ( LA, HW2) Prerequisite: SoS or 3 s.h. POLS.
  • 3.00 Credits

    3 s.h. Theories and ideas behind American political institutions, processes, and public policies. Includes puritanism, liberalism, conservatism, populism, progressivism, pragmatism, social Darwinism, capitalism, socialism, and democracy. ( LA) Prerequisite: SoS or 3 s.h. POLS.
  • 3.00 Credits

    3 s.h. An examination of political and philosophical currents of thought in the 20th and 21st centuries, their relationships to modern Western traditions, and their significance for contemporary political debates. Topics to be examined may include totalitarianism, anti-colonialism, liberalism, neo-conservationism, feminism, communitarianism, deliberative democracy, post-modernism, globalization, post-colonialism, and multiculturalism. Prior completion of POLS 201 or POLS 202 is recommended. ( LA) Prerequisite: SoS or 3 s.h. POLS.
  • 3.00 Credits

    3 s.h. A survey of the political and social theories underpinning the struggle for liberation, legitimacy, and upliftment in the African Diaspora, primarily the U.S. This course will examine such political and social issues as nationalism and separatism, the concept of race and identity, the problems of political representation, the notion of black authenticity and solidarity, the unsettled issues of colorism, interracial dialogue and relationships, reparations and social justice, and the influences of Marxism, Christian Socialism, and the growing black conservative movement. Readings will include selections from Du Bois, Alaine Locke, Frantz Franon, King, Cornel West, M.E. Dyson, Lani Guinier, and others. ( LA) Cross-listed as ALS 211. Prerequisite: SoS.
  • 3.00 Credits

    3 s.h. Examines how politics and government affect women and women's interests, as well as how women affect government and politics. Topics include political culture and definitions of female roles; views of women in political theory; female political participation and protest movements; women and the law; and public policy and women. Offered every third or fourth semester. ( LA) Prerequisite: SoS or 3 s.h. POLS.
  • 3.00 Credits

    Policies and Politics 3 s.h. Course examines the development of the social welfare policy in the United States; identifies political processes and participants involved in policymaking; analyzes the efficacy of retirement, unemployment, disability, healthcare, housing, and anti-poverty programs; focuses on national policy, but includes state and local examples; considers scholarly approaches and public debates. ( LA) Prerequisites: SoS or 3 s.h. POLS. POLS 219 Social Movements in U.S. Politics 3 s.h. An examination of the role played by social movements in the American political system. Analyzes the organization, goals, strategy, and tactics employed by past and contemporary American social movements with a focus on protest and other extraordinary forms of political participation. Social movements are studied to better understand their interaction with political institutions, public policy, and American political culture. ( LA, Z) Prerequisite: SoS or 3 s.h. POLS.
  • 3.00 Credits

    3 s.h. Studies the structure and functions of American state governments; the American pattern of local government; relationship of local to state government and of both to the Federal government. Special emphasis is placed upon New York State and local government. Prerequisite: SoS or 3 s.h. POLS. ( LA)
  • 3.00 Credits

    3 s.h. Analyzes Congressional elections; formal authority and informal power structures within Congress; the dynamics of the legislative process; and legislators' roles. Congress is studied within the context of the larger American political process, especially its relationship to the Presidency, and his role in public policy making. ( LA) Prerequisite: SoS or 3 s.h. POLS.
  • 3.00 Credits

    3 s.h. Explores the office and role of the presidency, its impact on domestic and foreign policies, relations with other political institutions, and traces the historical development of the office. Analyzes presidential elections and the nature of presidential power. ( LA) Prerequisite: SoS or 3 s.h. POLS.
  • 3.00 Credits

    3 s.h. The course examines the theoretical and tangible impacts of political parties and elections on American democracy. American political parties are explored in terms of their roles in contesting elections, shaping government, and influencing and being influenced by the electorate. Topics may include the following: party ideology, voting behavior, the mechanics of elections, the impact of interest groups on electoral politics, and the role of third parties and independent candidacies in the American political system. ( LA) Prerequisite: SoS or 3 s.h. of POLS.
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