Course Criteria
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3.00 Credits
3 s.h. An examination of literary expression of philosophical ideas. The human condition, man's relationship to himself, to others, to the world; happiness, freedom, time, transcendence, love, death, absurdity. (LA, AH2)
3.00 Credits
3 s.h. The relation of economic values to other values such as health, environmental quality, freedom, justice, equality, self-realization, and the quality of work. ( LA, AH2) PHIL 107 Philosophies of Art 3 s.h. Traditional and contemporary theories of art and aesthetic experience. Problems of description, meaning, interpretation, and evaluation in the arts. ( LA, AH2)
3.00 Credits
3 s.h. A critical survey of the world's major religions including Hinduism, Buddhism, Taoism, Confucianism, Christianity, Judaism, and Islam. Both the philosophical and socio-cultural manifestations of these religions will be studied. Particular attention will be given to the basic tenets, history, values, and impact of each religion on the development of the major world civilization. ( LA, AH2, CPA) Cross-listed as ANTH 115 and INTD 115 and RELG 115.
1.00 - 6.00 Credits
1-6 s.h. A study of a significant figure or issue of sufficient philosophical importance not regularly offered, but for which there exists sufficient interest among the students or for which a determination is needed with respect to whether such a study is to be included among the regular offerings of the department. ( LA)
3.00 Credits
3 s.h. Analysis of the epistemic theories of Plato, Hume, Kant, and Goodman. Concepts include belief, truth, justification, perception, and knowledge. ( LA, WS2) Prerequisite: 6 s.h. PHIL.
3.00 Credits
3 s.h. Examination of metaphysical concepts and systems, both Eastern and Western, classical and contemporary. Topics include the structure and composition of reality, historical change, quality, love, technology, values, and modern science. ( LA, WS2) Prerequisite: 3 s.h. PHIL.
3.00 Credits
3 s.h. Study of the intellectual bases of alienation in philosophy and literature. Marx, Nietzsche, Kierkegaard, Sartre, Camus, and Beckett are among the writers considered. ( LA, AH2) Prerequisite: SoS.
3.00 Credits
3 s.h. An analysis of the philosophical basis, psychological content and practical method of Patanjali's Yoga. Discussion centers on the meaning, aim, method, accomplishment of Yoga, as well as on the practice of physical, breathing, and psychological exercises and on the three stages of concentration. ( LA, AH2) Prerequisite: SoS.
3.00 Credits
3 s.h. Philosophical examination of life and death. Topics include the meaning of life, the nature of death, the morality of suicide, the ethics of euthanasia, the rights of the terminally ill, and the possibility of life after death. ( LA, WS2) Prerequisite: 3 s.h. PHIL.
3.00 Credits
3 s.h. Considers the principles and techniques of modern logic. The development of standard notation and techniques used in determining validity and invalidity of arguments. The study of basic logical concepts and truth functions to develop quantification theory and proof of "natural deduction." (LA, AH2)Prerequisite: SoS.