Course Criteria

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  • 3.00 Credits

    Analysis of the mechanisms of organic evolution, with emphasis on the investigative approaches employed in its study. Prerequisite: BIO 210, 306 or 312. Lecture/Lab Hours: Two two-hour lecture/discussions. Fulfills: PRES. (3 cr. hr.) Frequency code F = offered in fall Additional frequency code descriptions can be found in the Terminology Guide.
  • 3.00 Credits

    (O) Processes and mechanisms of variation in plants with emphasis on biochemical evolution, breeding systems, cytology, hybridization, pollination biology and polyploidy. Students will have the opportunity to learn modern laboratory techniques used in plant systematics. Prerequisites: BIO 110- 111 or 201-202. Lecture/Lab Hours: Three lectures, one three-hour laboratory. (4 cr. hr.) Frequency code O = offered occasionally Additional frequency code descriptions can be found in the Terminology Guide.
  • 3.00 Credits

    (S-C) Develop technical skills and learn basic theory for producing highly resolved images with bright field, phase and differential interference compound light microscopes. Students will learn photographic darkroom techniques, image digitizing, and must prepare poster/oral presentations of projects. Prerequisites: BIO 110-111 or 201-202 and permission of instructor. Lecture/Lab Hours: One hour lecture, two hours laboratory per week. (2 cr. hr.) Frequency code S = offered in spring; C = offered at least once every two years Additional frequency code descriptions can be found in the Terminology Guide.
  • 3.00 Credits

    (S-C) Theory and practice of scanning electron microscopy. Training in specimen preparation and use of the scanning electron microscope to produce highly magnified and resolved images of biological samples. Students will also learn photographic darkroom techniques. Project and paper required. Prerequisites: BIO 201-202, 210; CHE 221-222; recommended PHY 106 or 202. Permission of instructor. Lecture/Lab Hours: Three hours of lectures/demonstrations and three hours of laboratory each week. (4 cr. hr.) Frequency code S = offered in spring; C = offered at least once every two years Additional frequency code descriptions can be found in the Terminology Guide.
  • 3.00 Credits

    (O) Selected topics. May be taken more than once as subtitle changes. Prerequisites: Designated by department as appropriate for content and academic level of credit. (1-4 cr. hr.) Frequency code O = offered occasionally Additional frequency code descriptions can be found in the Terminology Guide.
  • 3.00 Credits

    Students serve as assistants in laboratory sections of a biology course. Includes advanced preparation for lab meetings, weekly attendance in the laboratory section while serving as instructional assistant in laboratory activities, and meetings with course instructor. May be taken twice. Not open to secondary education majors. Prerequisite: Grade B or better in the host course and permission of instructor. Grading: H, S, U grades are assigned. (1 cr. hr.) Frequency code A = offered every semester Additional frequency code descriptions can be found in the Terminology Guide.
  • 3.00 Credits

    (O) Literature research and project design under the sponsorship of a faculty member. Fulfills prerequisite for BIO 438. Not open to second-semester seniors. May be substituted for BIO 319 but credit for both not permitted. Prerequisite: Junior biology major or consent of chair. (1 cr. hr.) Frequency code O = offered occasionally Additional frequency code descriptions can be found in the Terminology Guide.
  • 2.00 Credits

    Development of technical skills or preliminary investigation of a biological problem. May be taken twice, with different subtitle, for maximum of two credit hours. Prerequisite: Consent of department. Grading: H, S, U grades are assigned. (1-2 cr. hr.) Frequency code A = offered every semester Additional frequency code descriptions can be found in the Terminology Guide.
  • 6.00 Credits

    Investigation, under faculty supervision, terminated by report written in scientific format. Presentation of final results to be made in BIO 436 (Research Seminar). May be repeated for maximum of six credit hours. Prerequisite: BIO 437. Grading: H, S, U grades are assigned. (2-3 cr. hr.) Frequency code A = offered every semester Additional frequency code descriptions can be found in the Terminology Guide.
  • 3.00 Credits

    (O) Special off-campus studies in biology by individual student. Prerequisite: Consent of department. Grading: H, S, U grades are assigned. (1-15 cr. hr.) Frequency code O = offered occasionally Additional frequency code descriptions can be found in the Terminology Guide.
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